Piano, guitar, bass
David was obsessed with this series as a kid
Cars or Thomas the Train
What department does David work in?
Customer service
Why does David usually go out of town?
Tyler Wiggins
Tyler Wiggins
This group is David's favorite
Why is David's leg crooked?
Broke it on a slide
The crazy homeless guy who lives outside of the store is named...
Snake Eyes
This is the furthest place he has traveled to:
Los Angeles
Harris Michael Weed
The two people who taught David his instrumental skills are:
Kevin Moore and Steven Sivley
How old was David when he became a Christian?
roughly 3
When David gets hangry, he goes to the Publix deli for food. What does he normally get?
Spicy popcorn chicken
Name 3 states David has traveled to
South Carolina
David counts Alexander Shunnarah billboards when he travels. What is the most he has gotten in one trip? (closest answer wins)
David's favorite song currently
Africa, by Toto
David's first dream job was what?
What are David's hours?
These are the groups he last went to see
Toto and Journey
David's favorite meme
Bully Maguire
David has a favorite instrument that he doesn't play; what is it?
In a very old video, David is seen cutting an unusual food with a butterknife at a restaurant. What food was he cutting?
Tortilla chips
Who trained David on cashiering?
Madeleine and/or Daniel
The first artist he went to see is?
The Rolling Stones
David was first introduced to memes via this obscure platform
Nintendo's Flipnote Hatena