Character Analysis
Key Vocabulary
Plot Development
Theme & Message
Predict & Infer

Who is the protagonist of the story?

The protagonist of the story is Lena.


What does "frizzy" mean?

"Frizzy" means having tight, curly hair that is often unruly or messy.


What is the significance of the talent show in the story?

The significance of the talent show in the story is that it serves as a pivotal moment for character growth, showcasing Lena's journey of self-acceptance and friendship.


Why is it important for Lena to be herself?

It is important for Lena to be herself because authenticity leads to true happiness and fulfillment, rather than trying to please others.


Predict what might happen if Lena continues to worry about others' opinions.

If Lena continues to worry about others' opinions, she may struggle with self-acceptance and miss out on opportunities to enjoy her own talents and friendships.


How does Maya's behavior impact Lena?

Maya's behavior impacts Lena by making her feel insecure and anxious. Maya’s critical attitude contributes to Lena's self-doubt.


What is meant by "stood out like a sore thumb"?

"Stood out like a sore thumb" means to be very noticeable or different in a way that draws attention. In the context, it refers to how Lola is different from her peers.


How does the story illustrate the concept of competition?

The story illustrates the concept of competition through the talent show, where performers strive to win and face the pressures of being judged by an audience.


How does Lena's perspective on Lola change throughout the story?

Lena's perspective on Lola changes from feeling embarrassed by her differences to recognizing Lola as a true friend who deserves support.


How might Lola's performance influence Lena's self-esteem?

Lola's performance might help boost Lena's self-esteem by showing her that it’s okay to be different and that support from friends is what truly matters.


What are some challenges Lena faces with the dance team?

Some challenges Lena faces with the dance team include feeling like she doesn't fit in, the pressure to perform well, and the critical nature of the other dancers.


 What does "impatiently" suggest about Maya's attitude?

"Impatiently" suggests that Maya is feeling frustrated and hurried, indicating a lack of patience for Lena's response.


Describe the setting of the talent show.

The setting of the talent show is backstage filled with excitement and nervous tension as performers prepare to go on stage.


Discuss how peer pressure affects Lena's decisions.

Peer pressure affects Lena's decisions by making her overly concerned about fitting in and conforming to others' expectations, leading to her anxiety.


What do you think will happen to Lena after the talent show?

After the talent show, I think Lena will feel a sense of relief from the pressure and will likely focus more on being herself rather than trying to conform.


Describe Lola's relationship with Lena. How does it evolve?

Lola's relationship with Lena is supportive and caring. Initially, Lena feels embarrassed by Lola's differences, but as the story progresses, she appreciates Lola's encouragement and ultimately stands by her.


Define "glared" and provide an example from the text.

"Glared" means to look at someone with anger or hostility. An example from the text is when Maya glares at someone behind Lena, indicating her disapproval.


How does Lena feel about joining the dance team initially?

Initially, Lena feels excited but also intimidated about joining the dance team, as she is concerned about keeping up with the other dancers.


What message does the story convey about friendship?

The message about friendship is that true friends support each other regardless of what others think, and that encouragement can help overcome insecurities


Infer how Lola might feel after her performance.

After her performance, Lola might feel a mix of embarrassment and relief but ultimately will appreciate Lena’s support and their shared experience.


Who is Lena? Describe her personality and struggles.

Lena is a girl who struggles with self-doubt and the pressure to fit in. She is nervous about performing and often worries about what others think of her.


What does "stammered" mean in the context of the story?

"Stammered" means to speak with hesitation or in a shaky manner, often due to surprise or nervousness.


What event causes Lena to feel nervous and anxious?

The event that causes Lena to feel nervous and anxious is her participation in the talent show and joining Maya's dance team.


What is the main theme of the story?

The main theme of the story is the importance of being true to oneself and valuing friendship over social acceptance.


Predict how the audience will react to Lola's performance

The audience may react with mixed feelings; some may laugh or be critical, while others may appreciate the courage it took for Lola and Lena to perform together.