Literary Elements
Parts 1-3
Parts 4-5
Parts 6-7
Motif that captivates the Wedding Guest.
What is the Mariner's glittering eye.
The Romantic period started in response to what other artistic period.
What is the enlightenment period.

How does the Wedding Guest see the Mariner at the beginning of the book?

What is a crazy guy, but intriguing to hear his tale


What do the corpses on the ship do for seven days in part four?

What is not rot or reek, but stare at the Mariner with their final, cursing stare. The Dead Man's Eye


What are the two spirits discussing when the Mariner wakes up after falling over and passing out? Two voices

What is arguing over whether to punish him more for killing the Albatross.


 "Then like a pawing horse let go, She made a sudden bound" is what figurative language?

What is the simile?

Three of the values Romantic literature was centered around.
What is: *love of nature/natural beauty *emotion and opinion *creativity, imagination, and freedom and expression *respect for children and childhood *fairies/mystical beings *value of the human experience

What do the sailors mean to do when they hang the Albatross around the Mariner's neck?

What is make him feel the guilt of his wrong doing pulling him down; carry his burden.


What is different about the storm in part five from the one in part one?

What is the storm does not hurt the Mariner, but only gives him water to drink and pushes the ship forward 


Why does the Mariner want to talk to the Hermit (holy man?

What is cleanse him of his wrong-doing. Repentance; for forgiveness


"Water, water, every where, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, every where, Nor any drop to drink." is what figurative language?

What is irony.

Where did the word "Romantics" come from?
What is 'Roman' literature.

How many men were claimed by Death after the game of dice?

What is 200 men.


What causes the Mariner to love nature and for the guilt of the Albatross to fall off of his neck

What is the beauty of the sea snakes.


What do the seraphs (angels) do before the Mariner's ship starts to sink?

What is take the sailors soul's to their final resting place. Souls fly up


What is the name of the type of term here: The sun came up on the left, Out of the sea came he! And he shone bright, and on the right Went down into the sea. (Lines 25-28) 

What is personification?

How does Coleridge's narrative poem refer to the values of Romanticism and Romantic literature?
What is usage of spirits and mystical beings and/or comparing the spiritual to the natural.

Why does the Mariner shoot the Albatross at the end of part one?

What is pride and power over nature; control of the ship; jealousy of power. No real reason at all


After the storm comes, what happens to the bodies of the dead sailors?

What is rise up and help drive the ship.


What happens to the Ancient Mariner's ship at the end?

What is it splits and sinks


The line, "For the sky and the sea, And the sea and the sky" is an example of what literary element. (repetition initial consonant sounds)

What is alliteration.

What century did the Romantic period start in OR what country did it start in?
What is 18th century OR Germany.

What motif does the Mariner use to describe the ocean in part two. NEGATIVE description

What is a rotting, slimy sea.


What happens at the end of part five that causes the Mariner to fall and pass out?

What is the ship reaches the equator and the South Pole spirit stops pushing it forward. SLING SHOT SCENE


What does the Mariners curse require him do the rest of his life?

What is travel from land to land finding those he can to tell them to respect nature and teach them his story.