Early Middle Ages
Feudalism and the Manor Economy
The Medieval Church
Economic Expansion and Change
Define 'medieval'.
"Middle Age"; a time when Greco-Roman, German and Christian traditions blended together.
How does feudalism work?
Powerful local lords divided their landholdings among lesser lords. In exchange, these lesser lords pledged loyalty and service to the greater lord.
What is papal supremacy, and how did this affect the monarchies of Europe?
Papal supremacy is when the Church claims power and authority over all secular rulers. This affected the monarchies greatly because it forced them to share power with the Church, sometimes even giving it all away to Church officials. Therefore, papal supremacy effectively gives the Church the power of governance in Europe.
Name three agricultural inventions of the High Middle Ages, and one new method of agricultural production.
1) Iron plows, 2) Harnesses, 3) Windmills. The three-field system was a new method of farming.
Who increased the power of the Frankish kingdoms, and how (provide two ways)?
Clovis increased the power of Frankish kingdoms by conquering the former Roman province of Gaul and gained a powerful ally in the Christian Church of Rome when he converted the nation.
Who was Eleanor of Aquitaine? What is she known for?
She married King Louis VII of France, but soon afterward divorced him to marry King Henry II of England. She joined the Second Crusade (holy war against the Muslims) and rode alongside male crusaders.
How were Jews in Europe treated at this time?
Very badly; antiSemitism flourished. Jews were blamed for natural disasters, diseases, and economic woes. They were prohibited to own land, or practice most occupations. Jews also faced heavier taxes than the Christians.
What is the difference between capital and usury?
Capital is money for investment. Usury is lending money at interest.
Who led the Christians in the Battle of Tours? Who won, and what was the significance of the victory?
Charles Martel led the Frankish Christians at the battle. Christians won the Battle of Tours, and to them, the victory was a sign that God was on their side. Muslims advanced no farther into Western Europe.
What is chivalry, and how did it affect women? In the modern world, how can you see chivalry demonstrated?
Chivalry is the code of conduct for all knights. It required them to be brave, loyal and true to their word. They had to fight fairly, as well. It affected women because it placed them on a pedestal; women were to be cherished and protected, thus raising their status in society. We can see chivalry today because it shapes our culture's ideas of romantic love.
Under what circumstances could you be excommunicated? What did this punishment mean for Christians who faced it?
Excommunication was a punishment that was given out to Christians when they disobeyed any Church law. If they were excommunicated, it meant that they could not receive sacraments, which lead them to salvation.
How did the agricultural revolution end feudalism?
It created a surplus of food, which increased the population. When the population increased, new jobs and methods of business were created. Once the middle class reemerged, the people no longer had a need for high nobles' protection in the system of feudalism.
Who is the grandson of Charles Martel, and what are three accomplishments that he is most known for?
Charlemagne; possible achievements include: 1) reuniting most of the old Roman empire, 2) Fought campaigns against Muslims, 3) being crowned as Emperor of the Romans by Pope Leo III, 4) revived Christianity and Latin learning.
What is the difference between a manor and a fief?
A manor is a high lord's estate of land that includes surrounding towns, markets, and villages. A fief is a piece of this estate that is granted to a lesser lord (vassal) by the higher lord, in order to farm it and produce crops.
How was the role of women limited in the Church?
Women could not become members of the clergy. Nuns were no longer allowed to preach the Gospel and frowned upon their education.
How did a merchant guild differ from a craft guild?
Merchant guilds appeared first. They dominated town life, passed laws and levied taxes. They also decided whether or not to spend fund to pave streets, build protective walls or raise a new town hall. In time, artisans envied the merchants, so they created craft guilds. Craft guilds represented workers and their rights.
What are Missi Dominici? What are their responsibilities?
Officials sent out to provinces to control and regulate the inhabitants. Their responsibilities included checking on the conditions of the roads, listening to grievances, and ensuring that justice was carried out.
How did the breakdown of central authority in Europe lead to the development of feudalism?
In the face of invasions by Vikings, Muslims, and Magyars, kings and emperors were too weak to maintain law and order. People needed protection for themselves, their homes and their lands. In response to this need for protection, feudalism evolved.
What are the Cluniac Reforms? Provide all six reforms.
1. Revived Benedictine Rule, 2) Nobles were no longer allowed to interfere in monastery affairs, 3) filled the monasteries with men devoted to religious pursuits and nothing else, 4) outlawed marriage for priests, 5) prohibited simony, 6) allowed the Church to choose its officials, NOT kings or nobles.
How were guilds linked to the rise of towns and cities?
To protect their interests, the merchants who set up a new town would ask the local lord, or the king, for a charter. This written document would set out the rights and privileges of the town, and in return, the merchants paid the lord or king a large sum of money, yearly fee, or both.