A sudden, violent overthrow of an existing government by a small group.
Coup d’état
What was the Great Depression?
The Great Depression was a major economic downturn that led to high rates of unemployment and widespread deflation.
Why did nations like Germany, Spain, and Italy turn to Fascism and Totalitarian Government?
Political unrest, riots, and the Great Depression
Why did the Depression end?
World War II, and the industrial production it demanded, ultimately ended the worst economic period in American history.
A person who believes in a system of government in which the people exercise power through elected representatives
When did the Great Depression occur?
The Great Depression occurred from 1929 to 1939.
This person created a private army called the Brownshirts. He staged a coup (Coup d'etat) to take power and failed. He decided to try to gain power through legal, democratic means.
Adolf Hitler
Define Federal Reserve
The nation’s central bank, that is responsible for controlling the money supply and regulate banks.
A governing system in which a ruling elite holds all power and controls all aspects of society, allowing no opposition and often maintaining power with the use of terror and secret police
How did protectionist policies imposed during the Great Depression only worsen economic instability?
Some nations try to strengthen their economies by restricting free and open trade with other countries.
High Tariffs, Import Restrictions, and Trade Barriers
This person took power through military means. He commanded his forces to victory over the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War. He employed brutal tactics and was helped by the Italian and German armies.
Francisco Franco
Define Tariff
A tax on imported goods.
The organization of a society into industrial and professional corporations that exercise control over individuals subject to them and serve as units of political representation
Name Two causes of the Great Depression
The Stock Market Crash of 1929
The Federal Reserve failed to prevent the collapse of banks across America.
High tariffs discouraged international trade.
Many Americans had too much debt from purchasing consumer goods with installment plans.
This Person formed armed groups known as the Blackshirts. The Blackshirts took over cities and villages and suppressed groups who opposed the Fascists. He won support from Industrialists, Large landowners, and the middle class
Benito Mussolini
Define Dust Bowl
A series of dust storms that hit the Great Plains during the 1930’s.
A political philosophy or totalitarian system marked by strong central authority that places the nation, and often a race, above individual rights and freedoms
What major event added to the crisis of the Great Depression?
The Dust Bowl
This person used his position as secretary general of the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party. He used it to influence the membership of important committees and make key appointments. He made an alliance with the top Communist to remove his chief rival, Trotsky, from power
Joseph Stalin
Define The New Deal
A series of government-run programs that aimed to create jobs and get the economy growing again.