Important Figures
The Home Front
The War
Post-WWII International Diplomacy
America After the War
This man was the dictator of Spain following the Spanish Civil War:
Francisco Franco
This allowed for the temporary importation of contract laborers from Mexico into the United States:
The Bracero Program
This research project employed the likes of J. Robert Oppenheimer to create atomic bombs to be potentially used against Axis powers:
The Manhattan Project
This initiative, also known as the European Recovery Program (ERP), was the American economic support given to various European countries with the intention of stalling the spread of communism:
The Marshall Plan
Also known as the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, this provided benefits (such as tuition) to veterans returning from duty:
The G.I. Bill
He was the dark horse Republican nominee who ran against FDR in the presidential election of 1940:
Wendell Willkie
Aimed to help African-Americans and other minorites obtain jobs on the home front, this prohibited businesses with gov't contracts from discriminating based on race or religion:
The Fair Employment Practices Commission (or Executive Order 8802)
This military strategy employed by the United States in the Pacific Theatre against Japan was also known as "island-hopping":
Leapfrogging tactics
The basis of much of America's Cold War foreign policy, George F. Kennan believed that this was America's duty to inhibit the spread of Soviet Communism:
This US Senator from Wisconsin was known for his fear mongering based on claims that Communist and Soviet spies and sympathizers had infiltrated the United States:
Sen. Joseph McCarthy
He was the fascist leader of Italy:
Benito Mussolini
Due to scarcity, this system was implemented to ensure that American citizens and soldiers had enough resources:
This was the forcible transfer of American and Filipino P.O.W.s by the Imperial Japanese Army, in the Philippines:
The Bataan Death March
When Stalin blockaded ground- and water-based travel to Berlin, this was utilized by the Western allies as a loophole:
The Berlin Airlift
This was an investigative committee of the US House of Representatives; It investigated alleged disloyalty by private citizens, public employees, and organizations:
The The House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)
She is a cultural icon, and represented women's participation in the home front:
Rosie the Riveter
These broke out in the streets of Los Angeles in 1943 when Anglo-American sailors and Marines fought with Latino youths:
The Zoot Suit Riots
Colonel Paul Tibbets dropped "Little Boy" over Hiroshima from this plane:
Enola Gay
This was America's announcement of military and economic support to be given to Greece and Turkey:
The Truman Doctrine
This was the migration of middle class whites away from cities and towards suburbs, leaving the inner cities to be inhabited by minorities
White Flight
This man led organized labor in America, and served as the president of the United Mine Workers of America. Also, he had forest-like eyebrows:
John L. Lewis
This was created to control the price controls and rents after the outbreak of World War II:
The Office of Price Administration (Executive Order 8875)
Josef Stalin, Winston Churchill/Clement Attlee, and Harry S Truman met at this conference to discuss the establishment of order in post-war Europe:
The Potsdam Conference of 1945
This was created in 1949, and was countered by the Warsaw Pact of 1955:
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
These were the southern and southwestern states characterized by warm climate and rapid population growth:
The Sunbelt