Famous Words
Famous Wars & Battles
Famous Forts & Places
Famous People (And Their Horses)
Famous Taxes, Laws, and Acts
What are the famous words on the Gadsden flag? (Hint: Yellow flag, silly snake)

Don't treat on me. 


What was the name of the war between the Native American forces, led by Pontiac from the Ottawa nation, and the British settlers? 

Pontiac's War


George Washington built which fort while fighting the French? 

Fort Necessity 


How many of George Washington's horses were shot out from under him? Extra Points for naming one of his horses.



The ____ Act inspired the Sons of Liberty to storm the harbor and toss cargo from the East India Company overboard. 



To unify the colonies, Benjamin Franklin published a cartoon of a snake divided into segments labeled after the colonies and regions. What words were written above the snake?

JOIN, or DIE. 


What event occurred on March 5, 1770 which resulted in five dead colonists and six wounded? 

The Boston Massacre 


On June 19, 1754, colonial leaders held a meeting to plan for war between the British and the French. Where did they meet? Hint: The meeting was called The ____ Congress. 

Albany, NY 


Who was the second President of The US? Extra points if you can name the two horses he brought to the White House stables. (Hint: The horses were named after a famous couple, a Roman Emperor & the Last Pharaoh)

John Adams 

His horses were Caesar and Cleopatra VII.


In 1764, Parliament passed the ____ Act, which imposed a tax on products like molasses. What was the name of this act? 

The Sugar Act


Anthony Wayne famously said, "Issue the orders, sir, and I will storm Hell" to express his complete faith in the guidance of his military commander. What commander was he talking to? 

George Washington


Who lost The Seven Years' War (aka French & Indian War) and what did the loser name to give up? 

The French lost the war, and had to give up their territory to the British. 


Aside from Paul Revere, three more men and one woman road to warn the Americans of the British coming. What are the two main towns associated with the night rides? 

Lexington and Concord


What is the name of The King Who Lost the Colonies? Extra Points if you can name his horse. (Hint: The horse was named after Aphrodite's mortal lover who became a god of rebirth.) 

King George III had a horse named Adonis. 


The 3rd Amendment to the Constitution was a response to this unpopular British Act passed on the colonists. What was the name of the Act? 

The Quartering Act 


At the Battle of Bunker Hill, an American commander famously shouted these words to his troops, urging them to hold fire to save ammo. 

"Don't fire till you see the whites of their eyes!"


Who won the Battle of Bunker Hill? Who had the most casualties? 

The British on both counts

At the North Bridge in this town, the "shot heard around the world" was fired." What was the town? 



Benjamin Franklin did not own a horse, but he did have a pet named Mungo. What kind of animal was it? 

a squirrel 


In 1765, the British passed The ____ Act. It was widely protested by the colonists, and in 1766, the act was repealed. Which Act was this? 

The Stamp Act


Who said, "Give me liberty or give me death!" and for which colony did he serve as govenor for six terms? 

Patrick Henry from Virginia 


Paul Revere warned the American militias that the British were coming ahead of what battle? 

The Battle of Lexington and Concord


The Second Continental Congress met in the City of Brotherly Love in the summer of 1775, just before the American Revolution broke out. What city did they meet in? 



John Hancock wanted to be a horse vet, but a year out of high school, he got sidetracked after buying a horse for $1,000. Now he is most remembered for his signature on what document? (The horse's name is lost to history.) 

The Declaration of Independence


What was the Proclamation of 1763 and what did it do? 

It was a Proclamation by the British, forbidding the colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains.