Types of Rocks
The Cycle
Rock Formation
Rock Characteristics
General Questions
What are the three main types of rocks in the rock cycle?
What is igneous,sedimentary, and metamorphic.
Do rocks always travel through the rock cycle in the same pattern or order?
What is no, the order is not fixed.
How does an igneous rock form?
What is magma or lava cools and hardens.
Rocks that are composed of particles of sand, shells, pebbles, dirt, etc. are known as. . .
What is sedimentary rocks.
What are two ways sediments are produced in the real world?
What is rain and wind.
What type of rocks form when magma or lava cools and hardens.
What is igneous rock.
If you are an igneous rock, what is are two things that can happen to you?
What is you can reach the surface of the earth and become weathered sediment or you can undergo heat and pressure and become metamorphic rock.
How does magma form?
What is rock melts.
What type of rocks have a layered appearance?
What is metamorphic rock.
Describe the difference between weathering, transportation, and deposition.
What is weathering breaks down/erodes rock into sediments, transportation moves the sediments to another area, and deposition is when the sediments are placed (deposited) in a given area.
What type of rocks have layers.
What is metamorphic.
If you are a metamorphic rock, what are two things that can happen to you?
What is you can reach the surface and become weathered sediment or you can melt and become magma.
How does metamorphic rock form?
What is rock undergoes extreme heat and pressure.
What type of rocks contain fossils?
What is sedimentary rocks.
Lithification involves what other rock cycle processes and forms what type of rock?
What is compaction and cementation to form sedimentary rock.
When lava cools quickly, a glassy rock is formed. What type of rock is this (general and specific).
What is igneous, obsidian.
Explain how the law of conservation of mass applied in the rock cycle.
What is the matter that makes up rock is never created or destroyed, it just changes form as it goes through the rock cycle.
Explain the process of lithification and what rock type is formed as a result.
What is sediments are pressed together (compaction) and stuck together (cementation, water plays a role in this) to form sedimentary rock.
If lava cools and gas escapes, leaving behind bubbles, what type of rock is formed?
What is igneous rock.
Come up to the chalkboard and draw the rock cycle using the following terms: compaction sediments cementation magma transportation igneous rock deposition heat and pressure (2x) cooling weathering metamorphic rock sedimentary rock melting (2x)
What is I will check your answer on the board and tell you if it is correct.
What type of rock is formed through lithification?
What is sedimentary rock.
After a rock is weathered and sediments form, what is the next thing that happens to those sediments?
What is transportation and deposition in a certain area.
How do sediments form?
What is rock is weathered and eroded by wind, water, sun, living organisms. This breaks the rock into small pieces known as sediments.
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! What type of rock is limestone? Limestone can change into marble. How does this happen and what type of rock is marble?
What is 1) sedimentary rock 2) heat and pressure change limestone into metamorphic marble.
Of all the rock cycle processes, which are external (7) and which are internal (5)?
What is external: weathering/erosion, transportation, deposition, compaction and cementation (lithification), cooling and hardening internal: cooling and hardening, heat and pressure, melting.