land forms
mOre people
What mountain range separates Italy from the rest of Europe: The Alps, the Smoky mountains, the Ural mountains
What are The Alps
Around 1000 BC people from central Europe began migrating into the Italian peninsula these people were called: Latins, Greeks, Romans
Who are the Latins . They settled on land south of the Tiber River. Latin is also the language of ancient Rome.
powerful ancient city-state located in Northern Africa : EGypt, Carthage, Constantinople
What is Carthage
A person who follows the teaching of Jesus Christ : consuls, plebeians, or Christians
What are Christians
what is the form of government in which the citizens vote for the leaders: democracy, republic, dictatorship
What is a republic
what landform makes up Italy? : island, peninsula, volcano
What is a peninsula
Who were the mythical twins that gave Rome its name: Romulus and Remus: Lucky and Latin, Richard and Ryan:
who are Romulus and Remus
What do you call the place where people could meet in public to exchange goods and ideas.: assembly, cafeteria, forum
What is a forum
What is the name of the merchants, farmers, and artisans of ancient Rome: Plebeians,slaves, peons,
What are Plebeians
Who was the founder of Christianity: Buddha, Jesus Christ, Allah
Who is Jesus Christ
Seas surround all sides of Italy except in the north; the three seas are the Tyrrhenian, (WEST) , the Adriatic (EAST) and What other sea to the south: Nile, Tigris or the Mediterranean
What is The Mediterranean SEA
What do you call a leader with complete authority: tyrant , dictator, president
What is a dictator
An amphitheater built in Rome between 70-80 AD : palace, the Roman Colosseum, the Gladiatior
What is The Roman Colosseum
two patricians who led the government in ancient Rome , they led armies, served as judges, and acted for citizens of Rome : tribunes, consuls, dictators
What are consuls : this meant no one person could gain too much power.
200 hundred year period of peace and prosperity in ancient Rome: Nirvana, Eden, or Pax Romana
What is Pax Romana
Although the coast of Italy is long the peninsula has few good: harbors, ships, eating places
What are harbors : Because of this the early people of Italy traded more with each other than with outsiders across the seas.
what were the wealthy and powerful citizens of ancient Rome called: patricians, plebeians, or peons
What are patricians
What is a system of bridges and canals used to carry water from place to place: irrigation, hoses, or an aqueduct
What is aqueduct
This man became a dictator in 44B.C. he was the first leader of the Roman Republic , he improved life for many and gave citizenship to more people: Jesus, Mark Anthony, or Julius Caesar
Who is Julius Caesar : On March 15 , known as the Ides of March Caesar was stabbed to death.
The rivalry between Rome and Carthage led to three armed conflicts (war) called : Punic wars, Vietnam war, Korean War
What are the Punic Wars : the general in charge of Carthage's Army was named Hannibal famous for leading men and elephants over snow covered mountains
Italy is shaped like a : flower, high heeled boot, vase
What is a high heeled boot: this looks like the toe is aimed to kick the nearby island of Sicily .
title given to ancient Roman leaders means ruler in Latin: Sir, Siren, or Caesar
What is Caesar:
What country was called Gaul in ancient Roman times: France, Greece , Turkey
What is France
This man was Rome's first true emperor he gained control of Rome and boasted he freed the Roman Republic from the control of those who assassinated Julius Caesar. : Mark Anthony, Augustus Caesar, Caesar salad,
Who is Augustus Caesar , grand nephew of Julius Caesar , also known as Octavian
people who willingly died for their beliefs : dare devils, martyrs, priests
What are martyrs