Round 1
Round 2

What was the rooster's name?

The rooster's name was Sir Chanticleer.


Who did the rooster live with?

The rooster lived with a hen named Dame Pertelote.


3. What did Chanticleer dream about?

Chanticleer dreamed that a strange red animal, that looked like a dog, tried to eat him.


5. Who came to the farm in the spring?

A red fox named Russell came to the farm in the spring.


4. What did Pertelote suggest they find to make the dreams go away?

Pertelote suggested that they find some special grasses to eat.


8.Which word on p. 165 means "eating too much"?

Overeating means to eat too much.

9. What lesson did Chanticleer and Russell learn?

Chanticleer learned not to believe everything he was told and Russell learned not to brag.


10. Did you enjoy this story? Why?

Yes, I did./No, I didn't. I liked/did not like this story because...(why?)


6. What did the fox ask Chanticleer to do? Did Chanticleer listen to him?

The fox asked Chanticleer to stretch out his neck to crow. Yes, Chanticleer listened to him.


7. What was Chanticleer's novel idea? Did it work? 

Chanticleer told the fox to tell the people who were running after them, to give up. Yes, it worked. The fox to open its mouth to talk, and Chanticleer could escape.