Roots of American Government
Roots of American Government Pt 2
Forms of Government

The belief that there is only one god



How was democracy in ancient Greece different from democracy in the Roman Republic and the United States?

  1. Greece had representative democracy
  2. Greece had a written constitution.
  3. Greece had direct democracy.
  4. Greece had secret ballot voting

3. Greece had direct democracy.


Below is a summary of John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government.

 John Locke argued that all humans were born with certain natural rights. These rights include the right to life itself, liberty, and the ownership of property.

 Thomas Jefferson was so influenced by John Locke’s natural rights of  “right to life itself, liberty, and the ownership of property” that he included them in which U.S. document?  

  1. Articles of Confederation
  2. Declaration of Independence
  3. Federalist Papers
  4. Virginia Bill of Rights

2. Declaration of Independence 


This is the idea that people follow rules without needing to be told to by a government.  

  1. natural rights
  2. natural law
  3. social contract
  4. separation of power

1. natural rights


Students at a public school begin each day with a prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the school’s song. One student refuses to participate in the prayer because her religious beliefs conflict with those of the prayer. She continues to refuse to participate and is suspended for not following school rules.

Which amendment of the Bill of Rights is violated in the above scenario? 

  1. First Amendment
  2. Fourth Amendment
  3. Seventh Amendment
  4. Eighth Amendment

1. First Amendment


The principle that the people are the ultimate source of the authority and legitimacy of a government

popular sovereignty


What part of the American republic is most similar to the Greek polis?

  1. state governments
  2. the U.S. Senate
  3. the U.S. House of Representative
  4. the state court system

1. state governments


According to John Locke, which of the following would be considered a natural right?  

John Locke argued that all humans were born with certain natural rights. These rights include the right to life itself, liberty, and the ownership of property.

  1. creating a business
  2. ownership of property
  3. getting an education
  4. voting in an election

2. ownership of property


Which is an example of a person being deprived of their right to due process under the rule of law? 

  1. being served a warrant to search their property
  2. being held in jail until the appointed court date
  3. being detained without being made aware of their rights
  4. being arrested for a crime committed in a different state

3. being detained without being made aware of their rights


What Amendment: 

Right to an attorney, jury, and to confront witnesses

Sixth Amendment


Political system in which elected leaders exercise power and work in the interests of the people

representative government


This is an excerpt from a book Benjamin Franklin wrote in 1736.

“God helps them that help themselves." Poor Richard’s Almanac, Benjamin Franklin

Based on the quote, what quality of the American republic was influenced by the values of Christian Puritans who helped settle the 13 colonies?  

  1. personal responsibility
  2. legal justice
  3. equal rights
  4. written constitution

1. personal responsibility


Below is an excerpt from the Magna Carta, written in 1215. C.E. 

“No freemen shall be taken or imprisoned…or exiled or in any way destroyed…except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.” —Section 39

 The quote directly relates to which guiding principle found in the U.S. Constitution? 

  1. due process of law
  2. equality of mankind
  3. limited government
  4. natural rights

1.due process of law


This is a real-life scenario relating to rule of law. 

A man is arrested, sent to jail, told he is guilty of arson, and sentenced to years in prison. There is no trial.   

What protection provided by rule of law was not followed in this scenario? 

  1. due process
  2. representative government
  3. double jeopardy
  4. free assembly

1. due process


 The U.S. Constitution, passed in 1920, gave women the right to vote. It ensured that no one could be denied the right to vote based on gender.

19th Amendment


An agreement in which people give power to a government in exchange for protections

Social contract


Judaism and Christianity both encouraged people and governments to adhere to the “Laws of God” which consisted of ideas about law and order. 

What concept did the “Laws of God” most influence in the founding of the United States? 

  1. civil law
  2. natural law
  3. federal law
  4. state law

3. natural law


 The excerpt below is from the Declaration of Independence. 

Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed—that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government . 

Which Enlightenment concept does the excerpt describe? 

  1. natural law
  2. democracy
  3. separation of powers
  4. social contract

4. social contract


This is a situation that might occur in a totalitarian state: 

A man is walking down the street. Two uniformed police officers suddenly stop him and tell him he is under arrest. They take him to a small prison cell and refuse to let him make any phone calls. They don’t answer when he asks why he is being detained. After a month with very little to eat, he is brought into a room for questioning. 

What principle of a constitutional government is absent in this country, as described in this example?  

  1. separation of powers
  2. individual rights
  3. representative government
  4. separation of powers
  5. consent of the governed

2. individual rights


Consider the following amendments and their rights and protections: 

Fourth Amendment - Protects against illegal searches and seizures 

Fifth Amendment - Protects against improper indictment, double jeopardy, self-incrimination, and eminent domain. 

Sixth Amendment - Right to an attorney, jury, and to confront witnesses 

Seventh Amendment - Right to a jury in civil trial

 Eighth Amendment - Protects against cruel and unusual punishments and fines 

Which concept of rights do the Fourth through Eighth Amendments collectively cover?  

  1. Personal freedom
  2. Voting choices
  3. Rights to defense
  4. Rights of the accused

4. Rights of the accused

The Fourth through Eighth Amendments primarily deal with protections and rights for individuals who are accused of crimes, including protections against unreasonable searches, self-incrimination, the right to a fair trial, and protection from cruel punishments.


The idea that government powers should be split between two or more strongly independent branches to prevent any one person or group from gaining too much power 

separation of powers


Below is a summary of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s book, The Social Contract.

In The Social Contract, Rousseau expanded on the concept of a social contract. He proposed that a government formed by a social contract must be based on popular sovereignty or the general will of the people. 

The Social Contract’s “popular sovereignty” concept is best reflected in what U.S. document?  

  1. The Mayflower Compact
  2. The Federalist Papers
  3. The Constitution
  4. The Articles of Confederation

3. The Constitution


What was the rationale behind the concept of separate but equal branches of government?  

  1. to give each social class in society its own branch of government to control
  2. to increase the power of the president by giving him three government branches for support
  3. to establish government power over citizens by having multiple branches made up of different court systems
  4. to create a balance of power in government where no one branch could abuse the system or citizens

4. to create a balance of power in government where no one branch could abuse the system or citizens


Which type of government was pioneered in ancient Athens and involves citizens voting on every issue? 

  1. oligarchy
  2. direct democracy
  3. monarchy
  4. democratic republic

2. direct democracy


The excerpt below is from the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution. 

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. 

Which situation below best shows an infringement upon the Fourth Amendment?  

  1. A person is forced to surrender their gun to the police while hunting.
  2. A person’s house is searched when police find a suspicious box in the neighborhood.
  3. A person is denied a lawyer during a police interrogation after they are detained.
  4. A person is sentenced to prison for 20 years and fined $100,000 for stealing bread.

2. A person’s house is searched when police find a suspicious box in the neighborhood.

its a violation of the Fourth Amendment because it involves a search of a person's house without the requirement of probable cause or a warrant, which the amendment specifically protects against.