Bathroom rules
Cafeteria rules
Hallway expectations
Library rules
Classroom expectations

Should you climb the walls in the bathroom and try to be spider-man 

No you should not try to climb the walls.


Should you yell across the cafeteria to a friend.

No, because if you yell then the lunch monitors will get you in trouble.


Do you run in the hallway.

No you walk.


Should you just take a book without checking it out

No you should respectfully take the book and give it to the library monitor.


Do you talk while the teacher is talking

No you be quiet while the teachers talking


Should you through wet paper towels at the walls and roofs in the bathroom 

No you should not because they could get stuck


Should you throw food in the cafeteria and start a food fight.

No you should keep your food on your tray.


Should you talk in the hallways.

No you should be quiet in the hallways.


Should you scream in the library 

No you should use a level 1 voice


Do you rip up your paper or homework 

no you don't rip it up.


No screaming in the bathroom or talking in the bathroom.

You should just go in and do your own thing and wash your hands and get out.


Should you make a fit because what you choose does not look that good

No because your the one who picked it and you eat what you choose and don't make a fit

Do you scream in the hallways

No you dont


Should you be mean to the Library people 

No you should be kind and respect them.


Should you run around the class 

No you sit in your seat unless you have to get up


Should you just walk out of the bathroom with out washing your hands after going to the bathroom

No, Always wash your hands when ever you are done using the bathroom.


Should you take your tray as soon as the lunch lady gets it filled up

No you should not you should wait and be respectful and wait.


Do you run in the halls 

No you always walk


Do you rip up the book once you get it

No you respect the school property


Do you yell out across the room to a friend while your teacher is talking?

No you can wait and don't even yell out to a friend on the other side of the room.


Should you never flush the toilet

No you should always flush the toilet after your done 


Do you respect the lunch monitors and the lunch workers 

Yes you should always respect them.


Should you go touching people backpacks and searching them 

No you should respect peoples privacy and their stuff.


Do you complain where you sit in the library 

No be happy where you sit.


Should you toss your pencil at the teacher 

No you should not throw a pencil at your teacher or anyone else