When you get your original sin washed away.
What is baptism?
A union between two people who love each other.
What is marriage?
What is the Body of Christ?
Healing you.
What is the anointing of the sick?
A sacrament of forgiveness and repentance.
What is reconciliation?
Where you get baptised.
What is a church?
A symbol of unity and love.
What is a ring?
What is the blood of Christ?
When you get anointed.
What is whenever you are ill or near death?
The action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.
What is forgiveness?
You are dunked in it, and it cleanses you.
What is Holy Water?
The words you say if you want to get married.
What is "I do ?"
What wine is put in.
What is a chalice?
One of the parts of anointing.
What is the prayer of faith?
Talk to the Priest face to face or behind a wall
How you can talk to the priest?
The age you get baptised at.
What is any age?
What you recite before getting married.
What is vows?
The days you receive it.
What is any day there is a service?
Another part of anointing.
What is the laying on of hands?
Talk to the Priest once a year.
How often are you suppose to go to reconciliation?
The word baptism comes from.
What is the greek word baptismos or baptizo?
Love that lasts forever.
What is eternal love?
How you receive communion.
What is left hand on top, right on the bottom?
The most important part of anointing of the sick.
What is anointing with oil?
You do this to ensure your sins are forgiven and light comes into your heart.
Why you have to confess your sins to a Priest?