when we are cleansed from original sin and we are accepted into christianity 😀
what is baptism?🤔
this is when we are sealed with the holy spirit🙏
what is conformation?🤔
when you receive the body and blood of christ🙏
what is holy Communion?🤔
Confess your sins to the father
What is Reconciliation?🤔
Bless the Sick, ill, and the dying.
What is anointing of the Sick?
We are poured/dumped into this
what is holy water? 🤔
What we eat and drink when we receive holy communion
What is the host and wine🤔
What body part does the Priest anoints you?
what is the Forehead/Hands?🤔
It symbolizes spiritual purification & rebirth.
What is the purpose of baptism?
Also known as the Lord's Supper of the Eucharist
What is another name for Holy communion?🤔
The father anoints you with what kind of oil?
What is Olive oil?
At what age range are you available to do Confirmation? 🫶
What is 7-13 yr?
we say this prayer to the priest to confess our sins
what is the act of contrition?🤔
This person blesses the holy oil for the sick
what is a Bishop?🤔
What is the 5 requirements of Confirmation?
"May this mingling of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ bring eternal life to us who receive it"
What does the Priest say?