The Church's official public worship
What is Liturgy?
Jesus' Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension
What is the Paschal Mystery?
These three sacraments are necessary for full initiation into the Church
What are Baptism, Confirmation, & Eucharist?
The two Sacraments of Healing
What are Reconciliation & Anointing of the Sick
The two Sacraments of Ministry
What are Holy Orders & Matrimony?
Efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which Divine Life is dispensed to us
What are Sacraments?
Sacred signs (objects, places, actions, prayers, etc.) that resemble the sacraments
What are Sacramentals?
The technical word for the bread & wine transforming into the Body & Blood of Christ
What is Transubstantiation?
Sorrow for sin because it offends God
What is Contrition?
The two purposes of Matrimony
What are unity & procreation?
The portion of the liturgical celebration of a sacrament that is strictly necessary in order for the sacrament to be valid
What is Essential Rite?
These compose the Essential Rite of a sacrament
What are Matter, Form, & Minister?
The prideful disobedience of our theological parents, removed by Baptism
What is Original Sin?
The two types of punishments for sin
What are Temporal & Eternal?
What is Annulment?
Latin phrase meaning "by/from the work/action worked"
What is ex opere operato?
Alteration of or generation/destruction of a substance
What are Aristotelian changes?
This completes initiation into the Church
What is the Eucharist?
Sins that are the root of other sins & vices
What are Capital Sins?
This degree of Holy Orders possesses the fullness of Apostolic Succession and Holy Orders
What is the Episcopate?
Latin phrase meaning "by/from the work/action of the doer"
What is ex opere operantis?
The invocation of the Holy Spirit, specifically at the moment(s) of Consecration of the bread & wine
What is Epiclesis?
A lasting effect of Baptism, Confirmation, & Holy Orders that seals and configures the recipient t Christ in a special way
What is a Sacramental/Spiritual Character (Indelible mark)?
The three characteristics of this are grave matter, full knowledge, & full consent
What is Mortal Sin?
A marriage between a Catholic & a non-baptized person
What is Disparity of Cult?