Scott Smalls
When Scott Smalls did not know who Ham was imitating at the beginning of the movie. He said this Disney character instead of what Ham actually said which was "The Great Bambino"
What is "The Great Bambi"
How many players did the sandlot have before Smalls arrived?
What is Babe Ruth's full name?
George Herman Ruth
What is Benny Rodriguez Nickname?
"The Jet"
What happens to the kids when they went to an amusement park/carnival?
They Threw up
What is the item that went over the fence that kids try to get back?
A baseball signed by Babe Ruth
Later in life Squints marries ______________?
Wendy Peffercorn
What is the Nickname of the Catcher?
The kids have one night game a year. What is the date of this game? (Double Jeopardy)
The boys connected a bunch of __________ together to suck the baseball up?
Babe Ruth
Who is the kid that kissed the Lifeguard?
During the chase with the Beast. Beast ripped through a _______________ at the theatre?
A movie screen
The Sandlot kids never kept score. Their game just went on and on. In a real baseball game. How many innings are there?
What is 9
In what year and season does the Sandlot take place?
(Double Jeopardy)
Summer 1962
What is the name of the Lifeguard
Wendy Peffercorn
After the beast chase what did the boys find in the yard?
What was the cost of a baseball?
0.98 cents
Mr. Mertle played on what baseball team against Babe Ruth?
The Phillies