The ABC's of CBM
Careers in School Psychology
Is that ethical?

WISC-V stands for

What is the WISC-V Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fifth Edition?


NASP stands for

What is the National Association for School Psychologists?


Classrooms should incorporate these two types of assessment

What are summative and formative assessments?


The three main activities that are comprised of the job responsibilities of a school psychologist in academia

What is teaching, research, and service?


Ethical codes, professional standards, and law show agreement that, with the exception of urgent situations, this should be obtained prior to the provision of school psychological services

What is informed consent?


The number of subtests used to calculate the Full Scale Score

What is 7?


The transition between these two periods in the history of school psychology was marked by the formation of NASP

What are the Hybrid and Thoroughbred Years?


The three types of Curriculum Based Measurement

What are General Outcome Measures, Skills Based Measures, and Mastery Measures?


Individuals who wish to work in hospitals, clinics, and other nonschool settings may need to obtain this degree

What is doctoral degree?


The domain within the NASP Practice model stating that school psychologists are required to be knowledgeable of ethical, legal, and professional standards of practice

What is Domain 10?


The number of subtests administered for the WISC-V

What is 10?


The 10 Domains of the NASP Practice Model

What is Data-based Decision-Making & Accountability, Consultation and Collaboration, Interventions & Instructional Support to Develop Academic Skills, Interventions & Mental Health Services to Develop Social and Life Skills, School-Wide Practices to Promote Learning, Prevention & Responsive Services, Family-School Collaboration Services, Diversity & Development in Learning, Research and Program Evaluation, Legal, Ethical, & Professional Practice?


This measures the acquisition of fluency and reading comprehension skills in students from first to sixth grade

What is Dibels Oral Reading Fluency?


As a school psychologist, one may develop strong foundational knowledge of school-based social issues as well as skills in coordinating systems change, thus being considered an advocate for

What is social justice?


A situation in which Mr. Jones is a special education teacher who teaches secondary level science to students with learning disabilities. In order to provide opportunities to engage in more hands on experiments to students he consults with the the school administrator responsible with scheduling the science lab. Mr. Jones is told by the administrator that, according to school policy, special education students are not permitted to use the science lab because of risk of possible damage to equipment.

What is an ethical dilemma?