what word means how short or long a sound is
What kind of sound is the wind
what shape is the cochlea
a snail shape
should we listen to loud or quiet music
is a short duration sound wave long or short
what is pitch
how high or low a sound is
where do natural sounds occur
in nature
what vibrates when sound touches it in the ear
the ear drum
should we clean the inside or the outside of our ears
what word that starts with d is the measurement for sound
A word that starts with m that means to quiet a sound
what makes a man made sound
artificial objects
what helps the ear catch sound
what should we put in our ears
Why is sound important for Indigenous peoples when hunting
calling in the animals with the proper call
is a high or low pitch sound made when vocal cords tighten
is a person talking a natural or man made sound
what does the cochlea do for the brain
translates vibrations into signals the brain understands
What is the loudest animal
a whale
What are the four ways sound travels
1/4 points for each answer
straight line
transfers between objects
bounces off objects
stops in an object