First researcher to apply a scientific approach with a series of well developed steps
Galileo Galilei
The word "method" comes from which 2 words in greek
Meta and Hodos
The element or condition that the user manipulates and deliberately
Independent variable
How many steps does this method include
What is the scientific method
Consists of principles and procedures for the systematic research of knowledge.
He said that "Imagination is more important than knowledge since knowledge seeks to describe what is already known, while the imagination seeks to explain everything we might come to know in the future"
Albert Einstein
It focuses on the particular characteristics and condition of the object studied
Element or situation in which we seek to intervene without intentionally
Dependent variable
This step implies a detailed description of the object or aspect to be investigated
What is theoretical framework?
This gives you an idea that there is previous information related to the topic you have chosen?
English philosophers who freed themselves from the greek methods of working 'forward' or 'backward
Galileo Galilei and Francis Bacon
It focuses on statistics and numerical data obtained from the observation
Serves as a comparison to identify which variable afects the result
Control group
Hypotheses that can not be verified because they are attributed to unknown forces impossible to verify
Metaphysical hypotheses
What is interpreting?
Analyze the meaning of the data you obtained.
Prominent scientist of the 20th century that contributed greatly in the scientific method
Albert Einstein
Two fundamental elements for scientific research
Logic and experience
The 2 approaches of the ESM
Exploration and Field practices
Hypotheses that addresses the logical coherence of an argument to establish mathematical relationships between the phenomena observed
Deductive hypotheses
What is a Descriptive approach?
Investigation that offers us an overview by focusing on one of the variables of the research problem
Who created the steps of the "Scientific method of resolving-composing
Galileo Galilei
The ways or methods to achieve scientific knowledge must conform the principles of ______ ?
The process followed when applying the scientific method can be summarized as
Observation, Statement of the problem, Hypothesis, Experimentation, Analysis and conclusions
The phase the reproduces the phenomenon and the conditions to better understand the effects of certain phenomena
What is an Exploratory approach?
Investigation that is used to obtain data and observations directly about the object or phenomenom.