Inquiry Process Steps
What do Scientists Do?
How do Scientists collect data?
What Tools do Scientists use?
Scientists make observations, conduct experiments, and draw conclusions. Which statement is true of allscientists? A. Scientists study living things. B. Scientists study the natural world. C. Scientists study items found on Earth. D. Scientists study things found in outer space.
What is B- scientists study the natural world
During our penny experiment and our bubble gum experiment, we displayed our data in a (?)
What is a data chart, or a chart
What tool measures force? a. ruler b. scale c. spring scale d. pendulum
What is C- spring scale
What is the FIRST step in the inquiry process?
What is purpose/question
Emily grew one plant on the window sill. She grew another plant inside a black plastic bag. She made a poster about how the plants grew. What does Emily’s poster do? A. predicts the data B. classifies the data C. hypothesizes the data D. communicates the data
What is D- communicates the data
Scientists conduct (?) to find answers to questions about the natural world.
What is experiments or investigations
5. Dan noticed that the day got warmer between breakfast and lunch. He recorded the temperature outside his window several times. Which of the following would be the mostscientific way to show the data he collected? A. drawing a picture B. making a graph C. writing a paragraph D. creating a timeline
What is B- making a graph
What tool would be best for looking more closely at the color of your nail polish?
What is hand lens
observation is based on what you see, hear, touch, taste and smell. (...) are based on observations. They are conclusions about what is happening in the natural world.
What is inferences
Sarah is studying water. She thinks that adding salt to water may make it freeze at a higher temperature. Which word describes her statement? A. conclusion B. hypothesis C. investigation D. variable
What is B- hypothesis
During Carmela’s investigation, a plant grew 1 in. each week for 4 weeks. When she displays her drawing of the weekly changes in the size of the plant, what skill is she using? A. communication B. inference C. observation D. variables
What is C- observation
Aba is studying parts of a plant. Which tool would be mostuseful if Aba wants to see parts of a leaf? A. hand lens B. magnifying box C. microscope D. telescope
What is C. Microscope
Kiera is planning an investigation of fossils that scientists have found where she lives in Florida. Which would be her bestsource of information? A. science dictionary B. book about dinosaurs C. local science museum D. television show about rocks
What is A- science dictionary
9. John observes that snow is dry, light, and fluffy at times. At other times, snow is wet, heavy, and sticky. John wonders what makes snow different. He wants to plan an experiment to find an answer. Why should John research his question before experimenting? A. to make it easier to share results B. to find information to help set up his experiment C. to decide whether the scientific method should be used D. to reduce the number of steps needed for the experiment
What is C
Kwan asks people in his class to report how many times per week they recycle. Kwan asks friends in two other classes to collect reports from their classmates, too. What is trueabout Kwan’s investigation? A. It involves collaboration. B. It follows the scientific method. C. It produces results that don’t change. D. It explains why people recycle
What is A- it involves collaboration
Scientists study the natural world. Evidence is an important part of their studies. What is evidence? A. an educated guess B. data that support or reject a hypothesis C. communicating results D. statement about what will happen in an experiment
What is B- data that supports or rejects a hypothesis
4. Lataya collects one leaf from each tree around the school. What would be the bestway for Lataya to find out which leaf has the greatest mass? A. Hold the leaves, two at a time, in her hands. B. Find the mass of each leaf in a pan balance. C. Lay each leaf on a table beside a measuring tape. D. Hang all of the leaves together from a spring scale.
What is B- find the mass of each leaf in a pan balance
Which is an observation someone might make of a fish? A. The boxfish has a funny shape. B. Most people have seen pictures of the clown fish. C. People will laugh when they see the boxfish picture. D. The clown fish has stripes around its head, body, and tail.
What is D- the clown fish has stripes around its head, body and tail
A scientist looks at a graph of the results of his experiment. He draws a conclusion about the results. What is one way the scientist uses his conclusion? A. to decide whether his results are correct B. to decide whether his hypothesis is correct C. to decide whether he should make a different conclusion D. to decide whether he should share his results with others
What is B- to decide whether his hypothesis is correct
Name two ways that scientists might do research before an experiment
What is internet, dictionary, encyclopedia, ask other scientists, read articles
Students in Zoe’s class measure the time it takes a toy car to move along a track. Why should Zoe compare her data to other students’ data? A. to choose the best time to record B. to see if she needs to change her data C. to decide why the car moved slowly D. to see if her data match other students’ data
What is D- to see if her data match the other students' data
What tool would be best to compare the masses of two objects?
What is a pan balance
Connor and Dylan studied how far two toy pull-back cars travel. Each student pulled a car back and let it go. Then they measured how far each car traveled before it stopped. What part of the inquiry process did the students do? A. made a prediction B. drew a conclusion C. conducted an investigation D. communicated their results
What is C- conducted an investigation