Art, architecture, and sculptures were commissioned by these people.
Who is a patron?
Invented by Rene Descartes. He was the one to use this to first plot a line on a graph.
What is analytical geometry
He created a method that all scientists today use to experiment. It created a standard for all kinds of experiments.
Who is Francis Bacon
Created by Johannes Guttenberg, this allowed more books to be published. Leading to an increase of reading and learning.
What is the printing press.
Known now as the Ninja Turtles. These artists created the greatest works of art during the Renaissance like the Sistine Chapel
Who are Dante, Donatello, Rafael, and Michelangelo
This was a new philosophy or value that looked at the individual and what they could acheive
What is Humanism
This includes an interest in non-religious ideas and became very popular during the Renaissance
What are secular ideas
A rule created by Sir Issac Newton to describe how the Earth rotates, and why things weigh
What is the law of gravity and motion
Key Figure: This guy is one of the most powerful figures in Europe during the Middle Ages, but during the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution he starts to lose power
Who is the Pope.