Medical & Health
Industrial & Economic
City Life
Famous Inventors

Known as the "Lady with the Lamp," she promoted hygiene practices and nursing standards during the Crimean War.

Who is Florence Nightingale?


John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company was accused of creating this type of economic dominance in the oil industry.

What is a monopoly?


This term describes this process of expanding residential areas outside the city center.

What is suburbanization?


This inventor is credited with pioneering advancements particularly for his work in the development of wireless telegraphy.

Who is Guglielmo Marconi?


In finance, this term refers to shares of ownership in a company that are bought and sold on the stock market.

What are stocks?


This scientist proposed the germ theory of disease, revolutionizing medicine by showing that microorganisms can cause infections.

Who is Robert Koch?


This industrialist, known for his contributions to the German steel industry, is often referred to as a "Captain of Industry."

Who is Alfred Krupp?


Before Georges Haussmann's urban reforms, many cities faced issues of overcrowded and impoverished areas known as this term.

What are slums?


This inventor is known for inventing a process that revolutionized which industry, making mass production of steel more efficient and affordable.

Who is Henry Bessemer?


This term refers to financial assets or resources that are used to generate wealth or produce goods and services, including money, machinery, equipment, and infrastructure.

What is capital?


This surgeon introduced antiseptic techniques to reduce infections during surgeries.

Who is Joseph Lister?


Critics of industrialists like John D. Rockefeller often called these men by this term.

What is a Robber Baron?


This term refers to multi-story apartment buildings associated with poor living conditions.

What are tenements?


This inventory is renowned for his inventions, including the phonograph and the electric light bulb. 

Who is Thomas Edison?


This type of business organization is characterized by limited liability for its owners, separate legal entity status, and the ability to issue stock to raise capital.

What are corporations?


Joseph Lister advocated for this technique to prevent infections.

What is sterilization?


This term describes agreements among businesses to control prices, limit competition, and often involve unfair collaboration and deception.

What is a cartel?


Georges Haussmann is known for his urban planning in this city.

What is Paris?


This renowned scientist, made significant contributions to which branch of science, particularly with his discoveries related to electromagnetism and electrochemistry.

Who is Michael Faraday?


These laws are designed to promote fair competition by preventing monopolies and restraining certain business practices that stifle competition.

What are Antitrust Laws?


This scientist discovered the anthrax bacterium and developed postulates to establish a causal relationship between microorganisms and diseases.

Who is Robert Koch?


Andrew Carnegie engaged in this practice, unlike Rockefeller and Krupp.

What is philanthropy?


This term is associated with widening boulevards, creating parks, and implementing sanitation.

What is urban planning?


Henry Ford's introduction of this production technique had a significant impact on the automobile industry.

What is the assembly line?