Working Class Life
Business and Economy
The Gilded Age in Pictures
Civics and Gov
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The average daily wage earned by a child worker during the Gilded Age 

What is $1 a day? 


A term used to refer to business leaders who got rich by working hard and being smart. They are seen as using their money to help others. 

What are Captains of Industry? 


This photograph shows living conditions in this type of housing, common in cities. 

What is a tenement/tenement housing? 


The length of a Supreme Court Justice's term. 

What is a lifetime? 


This means to cover something in a thin layer of gold. 

What is gilded? 


A manufacturing process in which a worker only has one task (a step in production) that they repeat.  

What is an assembly line? 


When Standard Oil controlled over 90% of the oil refineries in the US it was an example of this. 

What is a monopoly? (Horizontal integration also applies)  


This lavish estate was one the home of descendants of this Industrialist's family. 

Who was Cornelius Vanderbilt? 


The number of seats in the Senate. 

What are 100? 


The name given to the forced relocation of Indigenous tribes like the Cherokee. 

What is the Trail of Tears? 


An example of a way that a child might support their family during the Gilded Age. 

What is working in a factory, working in a mine, shining shoes, selling newspapers, carrying messages, selling candy or food, stealing, scavenging, or begging?  


The company that made Rockefeller the "richest man in America."

What is Standard Oil? 


Originally built by Cornelius Vanderbilt, this architectural and transportation hub has been expanded and remains famous today. 

What is Grand Central Station (originally Grand Central Depot)? 


The minimum age a person needs to be in order to be eligible to be the US President. 

What is 35 years old? 


This Constitutional Amendment abolished slavery. 

What is the 13th Amendment? 


The cause of 1 out of every 3 deaths during this era. 

What is infectious disease? 


An example of an Industrialist's philanthropy during the Gilded Age. 

What is Rockefeller donating money to found the University of Chicago/starting a public sanitation commission; Carnegie donating money to fund Carnegie Mellon Research Institute/building Carnegie Hall/paying to start libraries?  


This Industrialist became one of the richest men in America thanks to the steel industry. 

Who was Andrew Carnegie? 


A right listed in the 6th Amendment. 

What is the right to an attorney, the right to a trial with a jury of peers, the right to a trial without unneeded delays, and the right to know the charges against you are and what the evidence?


The origin of the phrase "Jim Crow." 

What is a black character based on racial stereotypes and played by a white actor in blackface makeup? 


The yearly income that the US government defined as the poverty line during the Gilded Age. 

What is $500? 


A company owning or controlling everything in the process of making and selling a product. 

What is vertical integration? 


This Gilded Age invention revolutionized business and communication. 

What is the telephone? 


The two parts of the Legislative Branch (Congress). 

What are the House of Representatives and the Senate? 


25 million of these now-ubiquitous items, developed during the Gilded Age, were in use by 1900.  

What is the light bulb?