Mary and the narrator often compare Colin to...
an Indian rajah
Where did Mary Lennox lose her parents at the beginning of the novel?
Who helps Mary find the key to the secret garden?
The door to the secret garden has been locked for...
10 years
At the beginning of the story, what animal does Mary see in the Indian bungalow?
a snake
At the beginning of the story, Martha is shocked that Mary cannot...
dress herself.
Where was Mary Lennox forbidden to go to when she lived at the Manor?
The Secret Garden
The Sowerby family gives Mary a...
skipping rope
Who was tending to the secret garden before Mary Lennox found the key and entered to tend it with Dickon?
Ben Weatherstaff
Why does Colin want to keep his growing health a secret?
He wants to surprise his father.
Whom does Mary ask for gardening tools?
The name of the Craven's home is called... (spelling counts)
Misselthwaite Manor
When Mary fist wanders the halls of the house alone, she discovers many treasures. These do NOT include... A family of mice, a collection of ivory elephants, a mysterious portrait, the key to the secret garden.
What was Lilias Craven's favorite type of flower that now covers the garden?
Who said this quote: "I am sure there is magic in everything?"
Mary Lennox
Which character writes a letter to Archibald asking him to return home?
Susan Sowerby
In Chapter 27, Archibald is at first traveling in where?
Which of these gifts did Archibald NOT give to Mary? Games, pen & paper, dolls, books
How did Archibald Craven's wife die?
A bad fall from a tree
List 3 of Dickon's pets and their names.
two squirrels (Nut & Shell), a crow (Soot), a lamb, a fox (Captain)
How is Dr. Craven related to Mr. Craven, Colin, and Mary?
Mr. Craven's younger brother and Colin's and Mary's uncle
Where is Colin when his father reunites with him?
Secret Garden
Who said this quote: "Might I... Might I have a bit of earth?"
Mary Lennox
Name 6 flowers that are in the secret garden.
irises, campanulas, delphiniums, lilies, snapdragons, columbines, gorse bush, roses, crocuses, gentians, heather, poppies, pansies, laurel, narcissus, daffodils/jonquils
What is that special something the characters call that gives hope, wonder and life to all who trust in it?