
In order to be eligible for Family Connections, at least one child between this age range must be in the home. 

What is birth to 18?


During the referral process, the FC supervisor/team lead pulls service participation information from the following location.

What is Guardian?


The DCS specialist must first determine this before submitting the referral for FC services.

What is if eligibility criteria is met?


The FC must make face-to-face contact with the family in this many business days after the referral is accepted.

What is one?


It is at these points in service where an assigned FC will request an NPP referral for a family. 

What is coordination meeting or EOC?


If the child does not reside in the home, the service participant must have this with the child in order to be eligible for Family Connections. 

What is parenting time/visitation?


Once the service participant information has been pulled from Guardian, the information is added to this location.

What is ExR; Extended Reach?


Additionally, the DCS case specialist should discuss this and encourage this with the family.

What is the referral; participation?


The initial contact with the family must be face-to-face for this purpose.

What is to build rapport with the family?


It is at this points in service where an assigned NPP will request an FC referral for a family.

What is the midpoint?


At least one service participant must be able to participate without these.

What are restrictions?


The service participant information from Guardian gets transferred to DCI in this manner. 

What are Formstacks?


DCS should also assess this prior to submitting the referral.

What is anticipated parental cooperation?


The FC must conduct three of these on different days at different times prior to the pursuit of the closure of the service referral. 

What are unannounced visits?

The assigned FCC/NPP must staff with this person first prior to requesting a referral for the other service.

Who is their direct supervisor?


The service participant must agree to FC services in this manner in order to be eligible.

What is verbally?


After the service participant is added to the client spreadsheet, the supervisor/team lead does this to confirm receipt of the referral.

What is "send an email to DCS and FC"?


After DCS determines that the family meets the eligibility criteria, they must assign the submitted referral to this organization in order for us to work with them.

What is RISE?


After the FC calls, leaves a voicemail, and sends a text message, the FC must conduct this to attempt to engage the family in services.

What is an unannounced visit?


After staffing with their direct supervisor, the assigned FCC will request this person to submit a referral for the other service at the coordination or EOC meeting (NPP midpoint meeting if the service participant is in NPP).

Who is the DCS case specialist/supervisor?


DCS has to conclude this in order for the service participant to be eligible for FC services.

What is "The family would benefit from FC services and there are no community services to meet the family’s needs"?


This information must be entered into ExR so that the assigned FC is able to engage the family in services as quickly as possible. 

What is client's name(s), DOB, address, birthday, DCS involvement, children's name and birthdays, DCS case specialist/supervisor, and reason for referral?


Once the referral has been submitted, assigned, and accepted by RISE, DCS must share this information with the assigned FCC.

Family functioning and safety decision-making


The initial contact with the family should always be this or this.

What is a phone call or unannounced visit?


This is a benefit of being cross-trained in FC and NPP once a referral for the other service is submitted and accepted.

What is "The assigned FC/NPP is able to keep their client due to the rapport being established"?