What is the name of Arthur's probation officer?
Officer Billie
What did Arthur's mom do with his father's things?
Threw them in the garbage
In what city does this story take place?
Washington D.C.
Which of the Seven Most Important Things did Arthur start getting from Squeak each day at lunch?
How many years did the artwork remain in storage until it was shown in the museum?
What is the name of Arthur's little sister?
What did Arthur see the junk man wearing that made him angry enough to throw a brick at him?
His father's leather motorcycle hat
In what decade does the story take place?
How did Arthur's father die?
Motorcycle accident
What was the name of Mr. Hampton's masterpiece?
The Throne of the Third Heaven
What was Arthur's father's name?
Thomas Owens
When Arthur went to court, why did the judge assume Arthur threw a brick at Mr. Hampton before he knew the story.
Because Mr. Hampton was black and race issues were escalating at the time.
Who owned the tattoo shop near Mr. Hampton's garage?
Groovy Jim
What is Mr. Hampton sick with?
His father's coin collection
What is Squeak's real first name?
What holiday did Arthur miss while he was in juvie?
What did Officer Billie bring Arthur for Christmas?
carmel corn
How was Squeak's father involved in the story?
He was the delivery truck driver who saved Mr. Hampton.
Where did Roger take Arthur and his family for his birthday?
A baseball game
What is the name and job of Arthur's mom's new boyfriend?
What was happening to Squeak when Arthur saved him?
Some athletes put him in a garbage can full of basketballs.
What famous museum was Mr. Hampton's work displayed in?
The Smithsonian
Which of the Seven Most Important Things did Squeak and Arthur use to collect money to pay for the garage rent after Mr. Hampton died?
Coffee Cans
Who is the author of the book?
Shelley Pearsall