Who first sits in the silver chair?
Black Knight/Prince Rilian
“Perhaps you do not see quite as well as you think. But the first step is to remember…”
the Lion/Aslan
What was the second sign Aslan told Jill?
Ruined city of the ancient giants
What kind of food does Puddlegum prepare for Jill and Scrubb?
Eels (in a stew)
What was the “black knight” told he would transform into if he wasn’t tied to the silver chair?
a giant serpent
“Don’t look frightened, whatever you do. We’ve done the silliest thing in the world by coming at all: but now that we are here, we’d best put a bold face on it.”
Puddleglum/the Marsh-wiggle
What was the phrase that confirmed the third sign?
Under Me
Which location do Golg and the rest of the gnomes want to return?
Land of Bism
Who was the first Gentle Giant encountered at Harfang?
“Too true, Too true”
the Owl
The first sign is missed because the children fail to recognize this person
King Caspian (now older)
What kind of nose did the giant King of Harfang have?
straight eagle-like nose
This Earthman hints at the gnomes' desire to return to Bism
Golg, the gnome
What does Puddleglum repeat after many of his sentences?
“I shouldn't wonder”
What were the words confirming the fourth sign?
“By the great Lion, By Aslan himself”
Fill in the blank: “Give her lollipops, give her dolls, give her ____, give her all you can think of” –the Queen
What did the Witch throw into the fire to make it harder for Puddlegum, Jill, Eustace, and the prince to think?
a green powder
What does the voice continue to say over and over again in the Underland?
“Many fall down and few return to the sunlit lands.”
What was the name of the animal that told Eustace and Jill the name of the King they had seen (causing them to recognize they missed the first sign)?
The Earthmen brought the children and Puddleglum into a room after their ship ride under the Ruined City. Who did the man in there look like?