in this assignment we colored an animal and hid them
what is the butterfly assignment
Charles Darwin studied finches on this island
this cat can glow green
who is Mr green gene
A process by which the environment influences the the distribution of trait variations within a population over many generation
what is Natural Selection
this person studied the Galapagos finches and made a book about natural selection
Who is Charles darwin
in this assignment we selected 2 partners of the same species to help survive an environment
the dog assignment
what animal did he study
farmers use these so the plants kill bug that try to eat it
what is A GMO plant.
Choosing something (as being the best of most suitable)
What is selection
this old man helps and study's and tags Galapagos finches every year
peter Grant
in this assignment we used different utensils to make a simulation
what is the beak assignment
how old was Darwin when he started his finch study
what is 22 years old
Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats
what is CRISPR
body structures that are similar in structure but not in structure
what is Analogous structure
this old lady helps and studies and tags the Galapagos finches every year
Rosemary Grants
in this assignment we read 3 different articles
the GMO or Mr green gene Assignment
the name of the book Darwin published published
what is Charles Darwin natural selection
this term is used for when we change somethings DNA
what is a GMO
when the traits that are beneficial for survival in a particular environment became more common in a population over many generations
What is Adaptation by natural selection
this person helped Charles Darwin study finches
John Gould
in this assignment we had to choose which of the animal would be suited for making that product
What is the cow Assignment
in this year Darwin started his study on the finches
what is 1835
this Gene modification that makes cows have more meat
inactivation of the myostatin gene
organisms that can be traced directly to each other through parent-offspring relationship over time (family tree)
What is line of decadence
these people made CRISPR
Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier