Who Am I?
You don't want to go to this territory...
Let's Make a Deal
A Noble Cause
I came up with both the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850 in order to save the union.
Who is Henry Clay?
Because of the violence here, Kansas got the nickname of ___________ Kansas.
What is Bleeding?
It was the desire of this state to come in as "free" that upset the South and led to the Compromise of 1850.
What is California?
The movement to end slavery.
What is abolition?
Immigrants coming to the United States in the 1840's settled in the ____.
What is the North?
I was a HUGE supporter of popular sovereignty, believing it was the most fair way to decide the issue of slavery in the territories. People think I resemble an oompah oomph.
Who is Stephen Douglas?
When the Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed, it repealed the ______ now making slavery legal, where it had once been abolished.
What is the Missouri Compromise Line?
The ____ originally proposed that slavery be banned from any territory we received from Mexico.
What is the Wilmot Provisio?
This "network" provided a way for slaves to escape North to freedom.
What is the Underground Railroad?
The South was promised this as a result of the Compromise of 1850.
What are stricter Fugitive Slave Laws?
I was vehemently opposed to the practice of slavery. God told me that it was my duty to get rid of slavery in the United States. I initiated a raid in Kansas in the pro-slavery town of Pottawatomie.
Who is John Brown?
People illegally came over from this territory to vote in the elections of Kansas - making an anti-slavery state become pro-slavery.
What is Missouri?
As a result of the Compromise of 1850, slavery would be decided by ___ in the Utah and New Mexico Territories.
What is popular sovereignty?
It was the publication of this book that made Northerners even MORE sympathetic to the issue of slavery. Making them see slaves as real people.
What is Uncle Tom's Cabin?
The formal withdrawal of a state from the Union.
What is secession?
I was an urban slave who was educated. I escaped and moved up North where I went on to speak about my life as a slave, making Northerners more sympathetic to the abolition movement.
Who is Frederick Douglas?
Stephen Douglas proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, because he was trying to get support from the South for ___
What is the construction of a railroad starting in Chicago?
The US give Texas $10 million as part of the Compromise of 1850 in order for them to do this.
What is give up their claims to New Mexico?
This women was nicknamed "Moses" and helped over 300 slaves escape to freedom.
Who is Harriet Tubman?
When Lincoln met me, he remarked "so you are the lady who started this war?"
Who is Harriet Beecher Stowe?
I was both Vice-President and then a Senator. I was a passionate supporter of slavery and wanted secession. My dying words were "the South, the poor South."
Who is John C. Calhoun?
The reason why there was so much tension in Kansas.
What are 2 governments - a slave and a non-slave one coexisting in the same territory?
The Compromise of 1850 originally did NOT pass Congress, how was it able to finally pass?
What is Stephen Douglas introduced each part one at a time, instead of one giant bundle?
In order to get around stricter Fugitive Slave Laws, the North passed _________.
What are Personal Liberty Laws?
I was the Senator from MA who went on a tirade against the South and one of its Senators. I ended up being beaten over the head with a club until I lost consciousness.
Who is Charles Sumner?