Be Safe
Be Kind
Be Responsible

The South Fayette Way.

What is be safe, be kind, be responsible?


Ways to show respect. 

What is 

- being kind 

- using good manners

- listening


Appropriate indoor recess voice level. 

What is a voice level 2? 

An example of how to be safe at recess. 

What is

- Use equipment/materials correctly

-Keep hands and feet to yourself

-Stay within the boundaries of the activity


A non-example of how to be kind at recess. 

What is 

-Excluding others

-Arguing with monitors

-Unkind words


Appropriate outdoor recess voice level. 

What is a voice level 3? 


A non-example of how to be safe at recess. 

What is 

- Not using equipment/materials appropriately


-Using your hands and feet to hurt others

-Crossing the playground boundaries


An example of how to be kind at recess. 

What is 

- Include everyone

-Use kind words and tone when speaking to others

-Be respectful of all adults

-Show good sportsmanship.

-Wait patiently for your turn


A non-example of how to be responsible at recess. 

What is 

  • Yelling (indoor)

  • Not putting away games or supplies


What to do when a piece of equipment goes over the fence/outside of the playground boundary. 

What is informing a recess monitor? 


The definition of sportsmanship. 

What is a way of treating others with respect while playing or watching a sport? 


An example of how to be responsible at recess. 

What is 

-Voice level 2

-Clean up and put everything away

-Follow adult directions.

-Use technology only when permitted


A reason it is important to be safe during recess. 

What is 

- so that no one gets hurt

- so that everyone can have fun

- etc. 


A reason it is important to be kind during recess. 

What is

- so that everyone can have fun

- to make friends

- etc. 


A reason it is important to be responsible during recess. 

What is 

- so that everyone can enjoy recess

- so that we take care of the equipment

- etc.