What attracted early Spanish expeditions to the South region?
Gold and other riches.
Describe three ways people use rivers in the South region.
Traveling, Transporting goods, Fresh water, Building dams, Electricity
Who discovered the South region first?
Spanish explorers claimed much of the region.
What are imports?
Imports are goods brought into one country from another country.
Decisions People Made: People decided to build coal mines in Appalachia.
Describe two effects on the environment: The land had been eroded because the trees, bushes, and grasses had been removed. Parts of Appalachia was destroyed or badly damaged.
What two countries once claimed parts of the South region?
Spain and France.
Why did many cities become centers of trade along the Fall Line?
Many cities became centers of trade along the Fall Line because they connected settlements along the Atlantic Ocean with new settlements west of the Appalachian Mountains.
Why are the Southcentral states different from the rest of the South?
The Southcentral states have desert areas.
What happens as you go from east to west across the South region?
The climate gets drier.
Decisions People Made: People decided to build dams and power plants in the Tennessee River Valley.
Describe two effects on the environment: The dams created reservoirs and helped control flooding that often happened. The Power plants provided electricity to industries and people in the region.
Name some places you can visit as a tourist in the South region.
The Grand Ole Opry, Disney World, Washington D.C., Smoky Mountains, Fall Creek Falls
Explain why businesses often have offices in state capitals?
Businesses often have offices in state capitals because business owners want to be near government leaders and offices that affect their work in good ways.
How was the United states divided during the civil war?
The United states were divided during the civil war by the South being called the Confederate and the North being called the Union.
What is the Sun Belt?
Sun Belt is a place that has a mild climate all year.
Decisions People Made: People decided to develop tourism on the Florida Keys.
Describe two effects on the environment: The islands became a lot more crowded with people coming in the Florida Keys. Pollution increased which harmed a lot of the nearby coral reefs.
Describe some of the challenges the Jamestown colonists faced.
The water in Jamestown was very salty because all the people there used ocean water. A lot of people died from starvation. Everyone didn't know how to farm. A lot of people died from bad diseases.
What are two industries that are related to agriculture?
Food processing, Textile industries
Name three states in the South region that border the Atlantic Ocean or the Gulf of Mexico.
Texas, Florida, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi
What mountain range did Pioneers have to cross to settle the entire region?
The mountain range that Pioneers had to cross to settle the entire region is the Appalachian Mountains.
How did Daniel Boone help people of the South region?
Daniel Boone helped people of the South region because he led people to cut down trees and bushes to make room for wagons to pace by in the Wilderness Road through the Cumberland Gap. The Cumberland Gap was a narrow path with thick bushes and a lot of rocks, and Daniel Boone showed people how to cut the bushes so people can pass by in the Cumberland Gap with their wagons.
Why is shipping a large industry in the South states?
Shipping is a large industry in the South states because a lot of offices are located near rivers and oceans, which makes shipping and trading easier to do. Many of the South states border the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. It makes shipping easier to do because most of the South states have navigable rivers thatcan be used to ship good to the ocean.
Name two states from the South region that are west of the Mississippi River?
Arkansas, Oklahoma
List some of the physical features of the South.
marshes, mountains, swamps, bayous
Name two states from the South region that are in the Interior Plans.
Iowa, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas
How did the discovery of oil affect parts of the South region?
The discovery of oil affected parts of the South region because whenever oil was found, cities grew nearby. Oil also affected parts of the South region because oil is used to make many things people use in their daily lives. Oil can be very bad too. When a machine that drills oil out of the ground breaks, there is going to be oil squirting into the air, causing the ocean to be polluted and many other bad things. The oil can harm the animals nearby in the ocean or when workers have to cap the well, and the oil is still squirting out, so the oil is being wasted.