Geography and it's Influence
History of Spain
History Remix
Influence on Spanish Culture
Spain's Rise to Power
Spain is part of this land formation along with Portugal, Anddora, and Gibraltor
What is the Iberian Peninsula
The Romans arrived at the beginning of the 3rd C. and maintained power until the 5th C. This was one of their main legacies they left behind for Spain
What is a Christian belief system (Roman Catholic Faith)
This policy was adopted by Spain that included the punishment to those who did not follow the Roman Catholic Church. Bonus: Name the year it started under the rule of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
What is the Spanish Inquisition The year it was re-instated was 1492.
Since Islam prohibited the depiction of human or animal form in artwork, these were used in sculptures and design
What are geometrical shapes
To increase the power of the throne, the king and queen had to decrease the power of this
What is the Cortes (Spanish Parliament)
This mountain range in Spain separates them from France and blocks easy access to the rest of Europe.
What are The Pyrenees
This group crossed over the Straight of Gibraltar and gained control of most of the southern region of the peninsula Bonus...what year did this group invade??
Who are the Moors The year was 711
The Moors established many important schools that continued to be used by the Spanish. Name one
What are astronomy, mathematics, architecture
The King and Queen did this to ensure the support from the aristocracy
What is They granted them huge plots of land (no tax either!)
This was a main factor in the decision to explore new lands which led to an increase in Spain's wealth and prestige
What is its location on the Atlantic Ocean
The move to retake the Iberian land under Muslim control by Christian kingdoms was called this
What is the Reconquista
This term developed as a result of the Spanish Inquistion which gave the Spanish the feeling of their culture & traditions being superior to others
What is ethnocentrism
This artistic style became known as the first genuinely Spanish national art
What is Mozarabic
These were strategies used by the King and Queen to ensure they had the power to rule Spain as they wished. Name two
1. Centralized government under their control 2. created a more efficient government bureaucracy 3. took control of the R.C.C in Spain 4. began the Spanish Inquisition 5. forbid any faith but Roman Catholocism
These were the two regions that King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella originated from
What are Aragon and Castille
During Muslim rule in Spain, these two places became important cultural centers in Europe. Name one of them
What are Cordoba and Granada
This happened to an individual if they were found guilty of not following the Roman Catholic faith
What is confinement to dungeons, torture, or death
Muslim scholars, along with Jewish scholars were involved in the revival of the study of what TWO ancient cultures and philosophies
What are ancient Greek and Roman
The King and Queen agreed to this in order to place people of their choosing into important church positions
What is set up the Spanish Inquistion
What two landforms were often used as the dividing lines between the separate kingdoms of Spain
What are Mountains and Rivers (difficulty navigating them)
One who conquers; specifically, a leader in the Spanish conquest of America and especially of Mexico and Peru in the 16th C.
What is a Conquistador
The Cortes' main responsibility was to keep the powers of the monarchs under control. They controlled this, and the king and queen were required to get approval for all major expenditures
What is The National Treasury
The Moorish influence lasted for how many years
What is 700
This decision led to Spain becoming the most powerful and wealthy country in Europe in the 16th C.
What is Columbus convincing the monarchy to support him in his explorations