Pragmatic Language/Executive Function
Hearing/Auditory Processing

The speech sound that children develop last.

What is TH?


_____________ is the ability to understand spoken language while ____________ is the ability to use language to express yourself.

What is receptive/expressive language?


Hoarseness, raspiness, breathiness, and abnormal pitch.

What are the symptoms of a voice disorder?


The use of appropriate communication in social situations (knowing what to say, how to say it, and when to say it).

What is pragmatic language?


____________is a decreased ability to perceive sound.

What is hearing loss?


Children should have all of the speech sounds by _____.

What is by age seven?


Vocabulary use, formulating sentences, word-finding, narrative formation or retell, answering questions.

What are expressive language weaknesses?


Encourage hydration, teach inside/outside voice, and take voice breaks.

What are strategies teachers can use to help students with voice disorders?


Attention, focus, planning, organization, working memory, recall, self-regulating emotions, and self-monitoring all fall under the umbrella of ________.

What is executive function?


________________ is, in essence, “what we do with what we hear (ASHA 2005). ”

What is auditory processing?


_______ can impact spelling, reading, and writing.

What is a speech sound disorder?


Providing sentence starters, using visual supports, providing semantic prompts, color-coding frequently used items, pre-teaching vocabulary, verbalizing your internal problem-solving narrative.

What are strategies teachers can use to help students with receptive/expressive language disorders?


Atypical interruptions in the flow of speech; usually accompanied by secondary behaviors.

What is stuttering?


Difficulty with initiating/maintaining conversation, perspective taking, turn-taking, asking questions, problem-solving, and joint attention/sharing positive affect with others.

What are social skills weaknesses that impact the student in the classroom? 


Hearing aids, cochlear implants, and FM systems.

What are types of assistive technology for hearing loss?


Modeling, emphasizing your correction of their sound error in a word, and phonemic awareness activities.

What are strategies teachers can use to help students with articulation disorders?


Following directions, listening comprehension, understanding linguistic concepts, story comprehension, understanding prepositions.

What are receptive language weaknesses?


Model think time, delay your responses, plan ahead for presentations, check in with the student.

What are strategies teachers can use to help students who stutter?


trouble starting/completing tasks, following directions/sequence of steps, switching focus from one task to another, organizing thoughts, changes in rules/routine, managing time and belongings, prioritizing tasks, forgetful, overly emotional/fixated on things

What are executive function weaknesses that impact a student in the classroom?


Difficulty with spelling, sustained listening, task completion, following directions, note-taking, reading and listening comprehension, memory, phonological awareness, social/pragmatic skills.

What are auditory processing difficulties that may manifest in the classroom?


A pattern or rule-based set of errors children use to simplify adult speech.

What is a phonological process?


True or False: Receptive and Expressive Language weaknesses impact literacy development, effective reading comprehension, and narrative writing development. 

What is TRUE!


Eye blinking, facial grimaces, throat clearing, and head or extremity movements.

 What are the secondary behaviors of stuttering?


Verbalize problem-solving steps, use visuals of what "done" looks like, break down tasks, use checklists, use schedule change opportunities to ask what might happen, what will be different, what won't be, use a buddy or pairing system.

What are strategies teachers can use to help students with social skills/executive function weaknesses?


Preferential seating, graphic organizers, written directions with verbal directions, repeat directions, make eye contact, check for understanding, pre-teach new vocabulary

What are strategies teachers can use to help students with auditory processing or hearing loss?