
Define the term colonization. 

To take over a country, the colonized country will then be "ruled" by the country that colonized it. Colonization happened a lot during the British empire era.


Define the term capitalism.

An ideology which is based around a economic system which is based on private ownership. 


Define the term culture.

A term which relates to traditions and beliefs.


What territory was first established as a colony during the colonization in the 16th century?

 James town.


How did capatalism "grant" Britian the ability to colonize other countries?

Britian was the leading force in the change from hand to machine production during the indistrual revolution. This made it easier to produce goods in a more effictive way. This power made it easier for Britain to colonize large parts of the world.


When did english language start to spread?

In 1584 when queen Elizabeth (1) gave permision to colonize any "barbarous" territories which were not innhabited by christan people.


How did improvent in farming techniques contribute to the drive of the industrial revolution?

The exposure of better farming techniques granted more and better food. Furthermore, this contributed to a population increase which is necesarry for a better workforce.


Britain had loads of colonies during the british empire era. What were the colonies used for?

To dispose criminals because british prisons were full, and to gather resources such as tea, spices, gold and cotton. 


Why did norwegian politicians replace Latin with English in norwegian schools?

The norwegian politicians realised that there would be more use of the english language than Latin after the indistrual revolution.