about how old was daniel when they came to Babylon
12-15 years old
why did nebuchadnezzar brought Daniel to Babylom
to get slaves
Who came and saved Daniel and his friend from the burning furnace
Who interpreted nebuchadnezzars dream
When the the hand wrote on the wall after how much the king Belshazzar Die
after Daniel and his friends only ate vegetables did they become stronger or Weaker then other people
They became stronger and the other people became weaker
why didn't Daniel and his friend did not bow down to nebachanesser statue
because they served the one true God
3 kings
How did Daniel survive in the lions den
The angles closed his mouth
about how old was daniel when he died
70-100 years old
who was the king after Nebuchadnezzar
king Belshazzar
how did Daniel know king nebuchadnezzar dream
God told him through a prayer
what Does Daniel name mean
God is my judge
about when did nebuchadnezzar die
October 7 0562
what were the words that the hand wrote
Mene Mene Tekel Parsin