Wonders of God
Interview with a burning bush
Who are you?

Exodus 14:21 Then Moses raised his hand over the ____, and the Lord _________ through the ______ with a strong east wind. The wind blew all that night, turning the ________ into dry land.

What is Split the Sea?


dresscode, “you can’t wear those here, where you stand is holy ground”

What are Sandals?


Part time shepherd, part time action hero, all time friend of God!

Who is Moses?


Exodus 7:17 So this is what the Lord says: “I will show you that I am the Lord.” Look! I will strike the ________ with this staff in my hand, and the _____ will turn to ______.”

What is the Nile river into blood?


If Pharaoh won’t believe you, use this to do my Signs and Wonders.

What is a Shepherd's staff?


Stubborn ruler of all Egypt

Who is the Pharaoh?


Exodus 4:3 “Throw it down on the ground,” the Lord told him. So Moses threw down the _____, and it turned into a ______! Moses jumped back.”

What is Shepard Staff into Snake?


“I have seen the oppression of and heard the cries of my people. I will deliver them from Egypt who keeps them in ______.”

What is Slavery?


Was a religious leader of Israel and 3 years older than his brother.

Who is Aaron?


Exodus 8:5 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Tell Aaron, ‘Raise the staff in your hand over all the rivers, canals, and ponds of Egypt, and bring up _______ over all the land.’”

What is the Plague of Frogs?


The Lord gave Moses a buddy to help speak for him. Moses ended up speaking for himself anyway, but it’s the thought that counts. Who’s the buddy?

Who is Aaron?



Who is God?


These were three separate bug related plagues the Lord brought upon Egypt.

What is the Plague of gnats, flies, and locusts?


Moses replied, “ I can’t do it God because I have…..”

What is trouble with Public Speaking or Stuttering?


Exodus 13:21 The Lord went ahead of them. He guided them during the day with a ______ of ______, and he provided light at night with a _____ of _____. This allowed them to travel by day or by night.

What is a Pillar of Cloud by Day and Pillar of Fire by Night?


If Israel asks who sent you Moses, tell them Yaweh, the God of ________, __________ and ___________ has sent you.”

Who is Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?