What is 2.7 billion years ago?
What is 1.2 billion years ago?
What is single cellular?
What is Asexual reproduction (such as budding)?
How many times has Multicellularity evolved independently?
What is having storage and protection of genetic code?
What is in the U.S., India, and China
What is 1.8 million years ago?
What is the success of Eukaryotic cells?
What was the first multicellular organism shown in the fossil record?
What is Grypania spiralis?
What are woolly mammoths, mastodons, saber-toothed tigers and giant bears?
What is the fusion of a thermoacidophil archebacterium with a motile eubacterium?
What is benefits of two separate sexes compared to hermaphrodites?
What is unicellularity was much simpler and easier for survival?
What is the evolution and expansion of our own species, Homo sapiens?