How many Stars do we have in our Solar System?
What are three things the Sun provides to our earth?
Light, Heat, energy
What are the 2 category's that we split our suns layers into?
Inner and Outer layer
What is the first stage of the Suns life cycle, and describe it
Nebula- A cloud of gas and dust comes together
What is the Sun made of?
Hydrogen and Helium
What are some of the things on out planet that benefit from the sun?
Plants, animals, humans ETC
What is the most inner layers the sun?
What stage of our suns life cycle are we currently in?
Main Sequence
What element makes up the larger percentage of the sun?
Durning this season the sun is tilted closer to the earth making temperatures rise, what season is this?
What is the most outer layer of the Sun?
How Long can a Stars life cycle last?
What are the Dark spots that we see on the sun called?
What would happen if the Sun moved twice the distance away from earth?
the earth would freeze, lose, energy get darker, and lose gravitational pull
Describe the process of Nuclear Fusion?
When Hydrogen fuses into Helium to create energy
Name three stages of the Suns life cycle
What type of Star is the our Sun?
G-type Main Sequence
What is a tool we use on earth to convert sun light into energy ?
Solar panels
What stage of the Suns life cycle when it becomes a cold dead star that no longer shines?
Black Dawf