Earth is always illuminated.
Trick question! Whatever side of the Earth is facing the Sun is illuminated.
How long is Earth's rotation and revolution?
Rotation - 1 day - 24 hours
Revolution - 365.25 days - 1 year
"Of occurring in autumn"
The definition of autumnal
"Of occurring in the spring"
The definition of vernal
Why are sunrise and sunset false?
The Sun doesn't really "rise and set", it just looks like that to us.
Why do we have day and night?
Because of our planet's tilt and our relative position on the Earth.
"To slope; incline"
"The imaginary line that circles the Equator halfway"
How would you describe the Sun's orbit?
Trick Question! The Earth moves, not the Sun. The Earth revolves around the Sun and it takes 365.25 days
Why do we have leap years?
2x points if you got it right
"A single complete cycle of motion about a point in a closed path"
"To turn around on an axis or center"
The definition of rotation
How do the Earth, Sun, and Moon revolve around one another?
2x points if you got it right:
The Moon takes around a month to revolve around the Earth once, and it takes the Earth 365.25 days to revolve around the Sun
How does the sun angle affect the length of the day
The higher the Sun, the longer the day.
"The path of a celestial body as it travels around another body"
The definition of orbit
How does the sun angle affect temperature?
The higher the Sun, the hotter the day'll be, and the lower the Sun. the more colder it'll be
Why are Earth's seasons different around the globe?
Because different places have their each unique relative position on the globe. So depending on where they are, they could potentially have a different season than another place.
"When the Sun crosses the celestial equator and day/night are equal in length"
The definition of equinox
"Either of the times of the year when the Sun is the farthest North or South of the equator"
The definition of solstice