Which ocean is Christmas Island found in?
What does the Super Star power up in Mario Kart do?
Invulnerability, speed up, rainbow effect
Which company released the software Paint in 1985?
The Pogues and Kirsty MacColl sung which famous Christmas ballad?
The Fairytale of New York
Which language did the Ancient Romans speak?
Which country's flag is comprised of three vertical stripes, coloured green, white and orange from left to right?
Republic of Ireland
Which star is closest to our own?
Alpha Centauri
Proxima Centauri
Proxima Centauri
Who painted the ceiling of the Sistene Chapel?
Which mythological King would turn everything he touches to gold?
Which programming language shares its name with the musical note enharmonic to D♭ ?
When marooned on the desert island in the first Pirates of the Caribbean film, Captain Jack Sparrow exclaimed:
"Why is the ______ always gone?"
What is the star Polaris more commonly known as?
The North Star
What is the price of the following Christmas Painting on Etsy that I randomly found earlier today? (+/- £5)
What fruit are moths attracted to?
What letter of the alphabet is this sign in British Sign Language?
Which island was Napoleon exiled to?
St. Helena, Elba
If you were born on December 25th, what star sign would you be born under?
Which Banksy piece famously shredded itself at auction?
Girl With Balloon
Roughly what year was Stonehenge built? (+/- 200 years)
In which language has Merry Christmas been translated to here?
vrolijk kerstfeest
On which island is the set of Hobbiton from Lord of the Rings found?
New Zealand's North Island
After its independence from Britain, how many stars did the US have on its flag?
In 2014, Vantablack was unveiled. Why is it so special?
The "darkest of black coatings"
Which figure from Central and Eastern Alpine folklore would assist Saint Nicholas and beat naughty children with birch rods?
Sumerian is the oldest known written language, but what is the second oldest?