The daughter of Prospero
The reason Prospero wants revenge
Antonio and Alonso betrayed him for power
True or false: Prospero gets rid of his magic ability.
Alonso's jester (joker)
The reason Caliban wants revenge
Caliban believes Prospero took his island and enslaved him.
True or False: Prospero makes Antonio stay on the island alone.
What is the primary purpose of Ariel's appearance as a harpy in Act III?
to show the men their guilt.
True or False: Caliban works with Sebastian to overthrow Prospero.
False. He works with Trinculo and Stephano.
Duke of Milan
What motivates Prospero to interrupt the masque celebration?
He remembers Caliban's plot against him
True or False: Prospero creates the tempest to crash the sailors boat and kill them.
King of Naples
How does Shakespeare use language structure to distinguish social class?
through blank verse and prose
True or False: a tempest (by definition) is the act of trying to get revenge on someone who has wronged you.
FALSE. A tempest is a violent, windy storm.