Where is the ship heading to?
back to Naples
Who is optimistic about arriving on the new island?
What does Prospero use magic to place before Alonso, Gonzalo, Sebastian, and Antonio?
A banquet feast
Prospero Celebrates Ferdinand and Miranda's engagement with what?
a feast as well as a "masque" or a play
What does Prospero vow to abandon in this scene?
How long have Miranda and Ferdinand been on the island?
12 years
Who is Trinculo?
A court jester
What does Ariel appear in the form of over the men after the banquet is pulled away?
A harpy
Why does Prospero abruptly end the festivities of the engagement?
He remembers Caliban's plot to murder him
Does Alonso approve of Ferdinand and Miranda's engagement?
What was Prospero's original title before being banished?
Duke of Milan
What causes Caliban to worship Stephano?
What is ironic about Ariel claiming to be a "minister of fate" in this scene?
Ariel does not even control his own fate
What does Ariel bate Stephano, Trinculo, and Caliban with in order to catch them stealing?
trinkets and clothes
What does Caliban realize?
He was wrong to worship a drunk butler
Why does Prospero hate Caliban?
He attempted to "violate the honor" of Miranda
What does Ariel do to all of the crew except Antonio and Sebastian?
He puts them to sleep
How does this scene reflect the theory that Shakespeare views himself as Prospero?
Prospero is in control of everything
What do Prospero and Ariel call upon the spirits to appear as in order to chase away the thieves?
Angry dogs
What does Prospero ask of the audience at the end of the epilogue?
He asks to be set free
Who is Caliban's mother?
A witch from Algiers names Sycorax
What elements of Shakespeare's comedy are present in this scene?
Mistaken identities and disquises
He makes them crazy
Through the lens of Miranda and Ferdinand's love, this scene reveals what of Prospero?
His humanity and fatherly love for Miranda
What does Prospero grant all the men who played a role in his banishment?