Honor your father and mother
What is 5th
What is Keep the sabbath day holy?
I was given the Ten Commandments
Who is Moses?
not telling the truth
What is lying?
Go to church on Sunday
What is 4th commandment?
Do not steal
What is 8th
What is Do not bear false witness against your neighbor
My brother coveted things I had and lied about me, but I forgave my brothers and saved them
What is Josesh?
Don't lie.
What is 9th commandment?
Do not kill
What is 6th
What is I am the Lord, your God. You shall not have strange gods before me.
I spoke to Moses through this type of bush
What is burning bush?
only use God's name in prayer
What is 3rd commandment?
Do not commit adultery
What is 7th
What is Do not covet your neighbor's goods?
I told 3 lies and betrayed Jesus
Who is Peter?
the behavior of wanting more or wanting what others have
What is coveting?
Do not covet your neighbor's wife
What is 10th
You shall make no idols?
the behavior of respecting your parents
Who is honor/honoring?
Honor only God
What is 1st commandment?