This rhetorical device is a question that does not need an answer, but is supposed to make the reader think.
What is a rhetorical question?
Informational texts usually feature these three things...
What are a web of individuals, events, and ideas?
She had a malevolent intent when she stole money from her friend.
The first argument we read in this unit was about colonizing Mars, written by a famous astronaut. Name that astronaut!
Who is Buzz Aldrin?
These three things are used in strong arguments, and were mentioned in the rhetorical devices video we watched.
What are ethos, logos, and pathos?
This rhetorical device involves an extreme exaggeration for emphasis or effect.
What is hyperbole?
Doing these things while reading can help you determine the central idea of the text.
What is recognizing how an individual influences events and ideas, and how an idea influences events and individuals?
Sheriff Rick's jurisdiction ends at the county line.
What is an area of control?
These two things in informational texts can be organized in a variety of ways.
What are facts and details?
This was the topic of the video "Seven Minutes of Terror."
What is the Mars Curiosity (rover) landing?
This rhetorical device consists of the same word or phrase being used over and over to emphasize a point.
What is repetition?
An author's purpose for writing will be one of these three reasons.
What is inform, persuade, or entertain?
The inertia of the basketball was too much for the player's hands to stop.
What is momentum or speed?
You must have these three elements in any argumentative writing.
What are a claim, evidence, and reasoning?
You study these elements when you analyze a video piece.
What are audio (sound) and visual elements?
This rhetorical device is when the meaning of a word or phrase is opposite to its literal meaning, and is often used to create humor or emphasize a point.
What is irony?
Informational texts do these four things...
What are provide factual information, include evidence to support ideas, contain text features to convey information, and can be presented in many forms?
The piety of the man in his acts of remembrance for his friend were very noble.
What is in a respectful or worshipping way?
The last two arguments we read talked about sending these two groups to Mars.
What are humans and robots?
This is the projected year for us to be able to live on Mars.
What is the year 2037?
This rhetorical device is used when a famous figure, work of literature or art, or other reference is made.
These are the three structures of informational texts.
What are classification, cause and effect, and advantages and disadvantages?
He had an alacrity for the new video game coming soon.
What is a feeling of eagerness or cheer about something?
This unit, like all units, had an essential question. Provide the essential question.
What is, "Is space exploration a daring adventure or a dangerous risk?"
Name the difference between denotative and connotative meanings of words.
What is the literal definition for denotative, and the thoughts or feelings for connotative?