The woman says AHHHHHAHHHHHHHAHHH and running away from the man
Why are you RUNNING
What are the three primary colors?
Red, blue, yellow
It is like Lego but with more games and also robux.
What is a song that is a meme? (Hint: In the music video, it has crabs)
Crab Wave
I am a hoax that people say. (Hint: I am in space)
Aliens or/and UFOs
89 x 98
1x0x7xN = 0
Any number
where you solve questions and riddles and can be created by yourself.
Jeopardy or JeopardyLabs for full name
Meme that talks about math
What is 6x3
I am like a human but I am more like a brain eater and I am more stronger than the other humans.
56 x N + y = 78
N = 1
y = 22
66666 + 4
What is a game that has no game?
There NO game!
I am a frog that makes meme like REEEEEEEE.
Fepe the frog
Why do you see the lighting before the sound?
Light is faster than sound
Game that even 6 year olds play and has guns, the storm eye, can build, have different game modes
What is a spider that is in Roblox
Despacito spider
Three girls are taking a bull to the zoo when their car brakes down. They motion for a guy to pull over. They ask to use his phone to call the zoo. He agrees, but says it would cost them $1 for every word. They only had $1 dollar. They paid the man and five minutes later the zoo was there. What was the one word used?
Comfortable (Com far ta bull)
How do you solve this?
7x$^1[7\6~72]\… = 7
I have two legs, two arms, a head, a torso and I can’t be seen. What am I?
Also solve the total body parts.
I am a GHOST also the answer is 6 body parts
One of my favorite games in roblox
Shoot Out