How is the Main Character In the Great Gatsby
Nick Carraway
Tom and Daisy live there
East Egg
the are cousins
A light that Gatsby can see at the end of his dock
The green light
what is Jay Gatsby real name
James Gatz
A wealthy man who lives in a large mansion in West Egg
Jay Gatsby
Nick and Gatsby live here
West Egg
Nick's chosen Profession
the bond business
Myrtle got hit by it
how is the Narrator of the story
Nick Carraway
The Love of Gatsby's life and the wife of Tom
Tom and Myrtle's Apartment in Harlem
The name that caused Tom to hit Myrtle
What color was Gatsby wearing in his casket
what was the Original Setting of the Great Gatsby
The Midwest around 1885
Daisy's Husband and lives in East Egg
The Valley of ashes
The place where Daisy and Gatsby reunite
Nick House
Symbolizes the reality of the failure between Gatsby and Daisy
How many copies of the Great Gatsby where sold
20,000 Copies
A successful golfer who is beautiful and pleasant
Jordan Baker
The Setting of George Wilson's garage and the road connects to long island
The person who actual kills Myrtle
The eyes of Dr. T.J Eckleburg
When did the movie of the Great Gatsby released