What does the Conte say he will pay for the stolen object?
5 Million Lire
What is Victor’s unlucky color?
What does Prosper search for in Victor's apartment?
Info on him and Bo
What does Hornet do to distract Victor while the boys escape?
She screams and grabs his coat.
What does Riccio think the kids should do with Victor?
Drop him in a canal.
What did Scipio tell the gang about his past?
He was an orphan who lived with an old thief.
What does Prosper find when he arrives at the house they are supposed to rob? (sitting atop a wall)
What object are the kids supposed to find according to the Conte's envelope?
A wooden wing.
Who offers to take a cup of coffee to Victor?
How does Victor get Bo’s attention outside the Basilica to lure him away from the others and talk to him?
How does Victor find out the Stella Theater is closed?
The girl at the Fantasia told him.
When Victor gets to The Star Palace (The Stella), what animal brushes his face?
A pigeon.
What did Victor do with his tortoise when he went to the Star Palace?
Left it by the door.
Who does Scipio say will go inside the Basilica for the meeting with the Conte?
Mosca & Prosper
After Ester Hartlieb’s phone call, what does Riccio wish about her?
She'd adopt him.
Where do the kids think they’ll be able to move with the Conte’s money?
An island
What does the Conte leave the boys with after the meeting?
An envelope & a basket
What does Riccio do to Ida Spavento’s housekeeper's groceries?
He sends them flying across the sidewalk.
What does Ida Spavento do when she first encounters the children in her house?
Points a hunting rifle at Riccio
Who is the owner of the recently closed theater called the Stella?
Dottor Massimo
What does Riccio have when he emerges from the housekeeper's home?
A large ice cream cone
Which kid punched Victor?
What does Victor tell the theater’s owner he does for a living?
He's a reporter.
What does Hornet do while in Victor's apartment?
Browses his bookshelf
What do the children do to Victor when they ambush him in the theater?
They tie him up and gag him.