Comprehension 1
Grammar Practice
This is evidence that there is a conflict between Mr. Peters and the King of the Forest.
What is the King is mean or rude to Mr. Peters?
This is an example of external conflict in the story.
What is the rude conversation between the King of the Forest and Mr. Peters or the King being stuck in the thornbush?
This is the reason that Leita is more pleased by the river than any of Mr. Peters's other treasures.
What is she was a swan, and the river will allow her to see her sister?
This is a characteristic of a person who makes rash decisions.
What is carelessness or thoughtlessness?
This part of speech is used to describe nouns or pronouns.
What is an adjective?
This is the only real problem that Mr. Peters has at the beginning of the story.
What is loneliness?
This is an example of internal conflict experienced by Leita in the story.
What is she misses her sister, but she would feel sad leaving Mr. Peters to care for hiimself?
This is the reason that Leita is unhappy living with Mr. Peters.
What is she misses her life as a swan?
This is the meaning of malicious as it is used in the story.
What is hateful or spiteful?
This/these word(s) are USED AS adjectives in the following sentence. "One of them wore the gold chain he had given Leita after their marriage."
What is gold?
Mr. Peters does this to remind himself not to utter rash wishes.
What is pricking his tongue with a thorn?
This is an example of internal conflict experienced by Mr. Peters in the story.
What is he doesn't want to let his wife go, but he knows that she is unhappy living as a human?
This inference can be made from the King of the Forest's statement when he says, "I have yet to hear of the human being who made any good use of his three wishes - they mostly end up worse off than they started."
What is most people misuse or waste their wishes?
This is the meaning of remote as it is used in the story.
What is far away or isolated?
Word or words that is/are adjectives in the following sentence: "In his hands were a withered leaf and a white feather."
What are withered and white?
According to the King of the Forest, humans usually do this when they are given wishes.
What is waste them?
This is the difference between internal and external conflict.
What is internal conflict takes place within a character, and external conflict takes place between a character and outside forces?
You might infer this from the fact that Leita did not want to travel around the world with Mr. Peters.
What is she didn't want to be far from her sister?
This word is used by the King of the Forest to describe Mr. Peters.
What is presumptuous?
This word is modified by the adjective restless in the following sentence. "She seemed restless and wandered much in the garden."
What is she?
This is the one of Mr. Peters's treasures that is most appealing to Leita.
What is the river?
Of the four types of conflict, this is the most obvious and important type in the story.
What is Man vs. Self?
You can infer this from the way Mr. Peters was found after his death.
What is he never used his third wish, and he died happy.
This describes or explains what rheumatism, the condition that Mr. Peters suffered from, is.
What is joint pain?
These three words are used as adjectives in the following sentence. "There was a little man all in green with a golden crown and a long beard."
What are little, golden, and long?