Name the mind
Owl, Elephant or Dog?
Wise Mind
Logic Mind
Emotion Mind

What mind would you use for: 2+2=4

Logic Mind


Act fact! It's raining and you are going to get wet.

Guard dog (amygdala) 


What does wise mind mean? 

Using both brains to make decisions based from a place of logic AND feelings. It is your gut feeling or intuition. The balance of emotional and logic mind.


What is logic mind?

Logic mind is when you uses facts, analysis and critical thinking, no emotions at all.


What is emotion mind?

Using emotions and feelings to guide your reaction. 


What mind is this?

Your mom tells you that you can't go over to your friends house. You yell at her saying, "THIS ISN'T FAIR!!!!!" and slam the door. 

Emotional Mind


I remember last summer I went to my grandma's house. It was such a great time. 

Elephant (hippocampus)


Can wise mind be helpful for problem solving? True/False



What is another name for logic mind?

Reasonable Mind


What are some unhelpful behaviors you see when someone is in emotion mind?

Yelling, name calling, refusing help, avoiding...


What mind is this?

You have a big test to study for and your best friend's birthday party is the night before the test. You really want to go to your friends party, but decide to stay in to study for the test.

Wise mind


Let me stop and think about this before I make a decision. 

Owl (prefrontal cortex)


How can mindfulness help you find your wise mind?

Increased awareness of how you are feeling, what your goals are, and your urges


What happens when you are in logic mind?

Emotions disappear and actions are based on facts, data, history, etc.


Is being in emotional mind bad?

True or false?

False. Emotions are neutral. There are no good or bad emotions. Everyone has emotions.


What mind is this?

You are trying to build a bookcase. You are reading the instructions in order to get all the pieces in order.

Logic Mind


Your little sister is playing with matches. She is going to burn her finger. You yell "NO!" before she touches it. 

Guard dog (amygdala)


How would you respond using wise mind?

Your sibling comes downstairs wearing your favorite shirt which they definitely did NOT ask you to borrow.

I have asked you not to take things from me without asking.  That's my favorite shirt and I do not want to share it.  I'm happy to help you pick something else out that'll look good.


How would you respond using logic mind?

Your sibling comes downstairs wearing your favorite shirt which they definitely did NOT ask you to borrow.

I see that you chose to wear my shirt. 

You are wearing my shirt.


How would you respond using emotion mind?

Your sibling comes downstairs wearing your favorite shirt which they definitely did NOT ask you to borrow.

Ugh! I hate you! You ALWAYS take my stuff!!! Why the heck are you stealing my things??? You are so annoying!!! I am telling mom!!!! 


What mind is this?

You just got $50 for your birthday. You really have been wanting a new pair of crocs which cost $60. You are feeling upset because you wanted the crocs. You decide to save your money for the crocs instead of buying something else with the $50. 

Wise Mind


I need to ask for help so I can get a good grade on this test.

Owl (prefrontal cortex)


Give an example of a time where you used wise mind.

A time where you used both logic and feelings. 


Give an example of when you were in logic mind?

A time where you based things off logic, facts. 


Give an example of a time you used emotion mind. 

Anytime you based the situation off feelings or emotion.