Which King is the one and only without a Mustache?
The King of Hearts
Why did the War of the Stray Dog take place?
Because a retarded Greek Soldier chased it's dog to the Bulgarian border and he got shot not once, not twice but multiple times.
Who is late?
This device revolutionized how fast books and other news oultets were produced
printing press
What is the cheapest item on a McDonalds Menu and how much does it cost??
A cookie costs 0.42$ after tax
When did Barbie and Ken Break up?
In which country does a Law exist, that bans people from dying in the Parliament?
The Good Ol' Tea Drinkin, Spice Stealin', Slave Treatin' England.
Who did becky not let smash?
When was the first computer mouse created?
The first computer mouse was made in 1964 by Doug Engelbart. It was rectangular and made from wood!
Which is the one and only animal not mentioned in the Bible?
How many Acres of Pizza is consumed in Americas per day?
18 Acres
What was the name of Mayor of Talkeetna and why was it its name?
It was a Cat named Stubbs, because he had no tail for 2 decades.
What was the Dancing Baby Called?
The Oogachaka Baby
Baidu is the main search engine for which country
What can a Crocodile NOT do?
Stick its tongue out.
Which U.S. capital has no McDonalds?
Monteplier, Vermont.
On which country did Huescar declare war in 1809 and lasted for 172 Years, and how many were dead?
The Dutch and 0 were killed because everybody kind of forgot about the war. a local historian randomly read about the war and they signed a treaty
Ouhhh... Husbant.. What are we now?
Ebay is one of the more populer webistes to buy and sell things, but what was its original name
For how long do you have to keep yelling to warm up a cup of coffee?
8 years, 7months and 6days, got to make my coffee ready for the morning.
How many dimples does a Golf ball have?
Exactly 340-4=336
Which countries took part in the Lobster War?
Brazil and France. Lobsters unite. The Operation was Called "Lobster Operation"
The Definition of Meme.
meme, unit of cultural information spread by imitation. The term meme (from the Greek mimema, meaning “imitated”) was introduced in 1976 by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in his work The Selfish Gene
What is NASA's internet speed?
What is the least dense Substance in the World?
Hydrogen gas with 0.08988g/cc.